
What about Ganesha? Why won’t anyone think of Ganesha? Everyone assume’s Ganesha’s feelings won’t be hurt when not asked to watch over a sports team, but that’s just plain wrong.

It’s a free country, but look at how a simple thing like Kaepernick’s protest has gotten twisted into “disrespect for the military and veterans”. So some kid deciding not to pray could have repercussions.

“Aaawww, but coach, I keep a show bible in my locker - why’s that not good enough?”

Yep - just like NFL teams have prayer meetings or whatever, they notify people where and when they are and they can attend if they want. There should be no “lead the team in prayer” like this because it assumes too much and puts any dissenting players in a position where they have to either be potentially ostracized

Amen to this. And I know I’m old, but I always prefer a book to reading something off of a tablet. And hasn’t LA unified - which spent a ghastly amount of money to provide each student with an iPad - shown that gadgets aren’t the miracle educational tools many were making them out to be?

It will be interesting to see how Siemien does, for me mostly because he’s a 7th rounder. The NFL acts like the draft decisions made by teams are set-in-stone doctrine, as though no mistakes are ever made. We hear things like “he’s a former 2nd round pick” all the time as credentials for a player’s skill set.

Does your internal monologue occur in the voice of Pheel Seems? Cuz I could see him saying “Trevor Seemen”.

The forehead of Zombie Manning deflects all headshots, so he’s impossible to kill.

Remember Aqib Talib’s two-handed facemask tackle last season in the playoffs? That should’ve been an ejection, but he knew it would only be a 15 yard penalty, which in my mind adds to the fact that it should’ve been an ejection.

Yeah, but no. Part of this is blatant headhunting by Denver, part of it is lazy tackling. I played both football and rugby. In rugby you’re taught proper tackling, wrapping up with the arms, etc. - because you’d die if you didn’t do it right.

You cannot legislate all the head hits out of the game. Sorry, can’t be done.

ABSOLUTELY! It was late and it was a blatant targeting of the head. Both of which should/could have been called.

I was hoping he’d try The Tour de France!

Or something announcing the official line of Mets hair care products. “Mets-rosexual™” or something.

I’m sorry ump, what’s the pitch count? I was lost in his eyes...

Good lord yes. Can also be used interchangeably with “publicity stunt”.

Oh, hey...did you hear they signed Tebow? You must be a big fan, I assume, because you wore your Mets shirt today. Of Tebow, I mean.

See, this makes me wonder if “Tessa” became so popular that some parents resorted to the ridiculous spelling gambit to properly signify the uniqueness of their delicate snowflake.

Yeah, but in my day my friends and I made some pretty sweet sarcastic cave paintings.

Now playing

To me “on accident” sounds like a seven year old, but possibly I’m being no fair.