A Fruehling

Found this posted on another site:

The joke would have made sense if it was said anywhere in the article that a LeBron James chasedown block was actually better than something (hell, anything) else. Saying there’s nothing like it is not the same thing. I can only assume your burning desire to throw out a Hitchens quote and take your ego on a two-handed

According to wikipedia, the average MLS player salary is $226,000. I pulled an estimate of fighter salaries from the most recent UFC event here. Lower-to-Mid-tier UFC fighter gets 12,000 to fight, another 12 if they win. Not counting any possible Fight-of-the-night bonuses you’d have to be fighting every five weeks


What absolute bush-league horseshit.

We like to be associated with the great city of New York

Here ya go.

Weeks warned Stiverne after they got up about attempting a low blow.

I think I see the problem:

"Oh, Lord, I have seen the future... And I'm playing for the Jets."

"There's a pants-less option for that?"

Manzeil couldn't have sucked more ass even if he'd been tailgating in Detroit.

There is only 1 Cruze in that photo...

More like Strong Ass-Take, 'cause that there is some shit.


That definitely makes the lack of teeth a bonus.

As someone who gets punched in the face as a hobby: Don't you stick me with that shit.

"Ok i'm opening the trap, don't look directly at the trap!"