
Unfortunately, most of these stories aren’t recent so it’s probably too late to ask them to stop and it’s even more unfortunate that like you I go beyond sympathy to empathize with these women. As they tell their stories I can see myself in their place and being utterly grossed out and mortified. I don’t want to hear

Each week as I read these clap backs I wonder what is your very first reaction upon reading the hate mail? Uncontrollable laughter? Snorts? Sighs? Exclamations of “WTF!”? All of the above? Also, I think you need to take a little break because the grammar mistakes are starting to get contagious...

I agree with just about everything you’ve said but he needs to be charged as a 17 year old who committed a crime not as an adult. For all we know they could have grappled with the knife and the dad got fatally stabbed. You’re assuming the teenager just shanked him mercilessly, but the article didn’t reveal all that.

My locs are like a soft, spun wool, so I know it’s tempting to want to touch but I will check a bish in a minute for trying to touch it. My personal space has been a barrier to invasion by white privilege arrogant women since I hit my teens and started to stand up for myself. But I gotta be honest, it is not a hand

I’m going to see it just for the eye candy that is Aquaman.

I’m keeping all these great women in my prayers because they hella represent:

I don’t think that Black Panther as a single movie is going to have the long term impact you (and I) hope for, but that would be nice. It would be nice to see kids embrace a hero fully conscious of his African roots. Regular exposure with cartoons or maybe a Lego version of Black Panther would help more than a one-off

I still have questions like...So what are the other parts to not being a huge jerk? and How do you know that the huge jerk is SINCERELY apologizing rather than just continuing to be a boil on Satan’s ass with sarcasm or the insincerity that comes from getting caught by HR?

The most aggravating argument I’ve heard is something along the lines of well we invented the N word so we should be able to use it. My most PG-13 response has been Seriously? And was that “invention” a good thing or something to be proud of? Ya bloodclot.

Thank you for this article! I have a whole new set of books to add to my Kwanzaa & xmas gift list now.

Well that’s one who fessed up...time for the rest to put on their big boy boxers and face the repercussions.

I’m looking so forward to see this movie I’m already thinking about what the sequels are going to be like. I hope that when the Black Panther sequel comes out in 20xx and they merge storylines with the XMen just like in the comics, that they find a better actress than Halle to play Storm as T’Challa’s fiancee.

I am an avid reader of fantasy/ sci-fi. When I read, I envision my favorite characters as people who look like me even if that disregards the physical descriptions in the text.
Now, I also enjoy watching sci-fi on the big screen. And like you, I look for black people in the cast. I saw black folks in the periphery in

is real!

“We shall over comb.” Priceless! I have got to visit Hawaii now.

OK, you support Donald Trump’s with a $1k donation but you don’t want his other supporters to openly buy your pizza ‘cause you’really too good for the other racists? I didn’t realize there were white supremacist caste systems but I’m not surprised at their existence.

oh, I should have added Serenity to my list because Chiwetel Ejiofor had me totally routing for him even as the “bad” guy

Yeah, they used to make me take off my head wraps on redeyes. I have questions too!

Like your list..some of them I haven’t seen but will have to check out on Netflix or Hulu later. If I had to rotate the same 10 -15 movies, I could watch these over and over again:

A picture really is worth a thousand words for this article...Is it just me or does it seem like King is like, why you gotta put my image next to this racist fool? A King facepalm would have worked well too.