
Gonna miss Robert Guillaume as Rafiki

That employee may have just saved the world from WW3.

Dear Michael, where can I find and befriend some non-racist white people? And where can I get the winning PowerBar ticket number? And the cures for cancer, HIV, diabetes, IBS, and the common cold?

Yay! Magical negros with swords.....and presumably with swords!😉

I like Papa John’s pizza but I haven’t bought one from the local franchise since I learned the CEO supported Trump;now he’s worried about poor leadership in the NFL? How about being worried about poor leadership in the USA first? Oh.. because capitalism.

It’s great that the policy of the City of Miami is to provide a diverse workplace free of intimidation, etc., etc. because these folks are likely (supposed) to be serving a diverse community. POC shouldn’t have to hesitate to call 911 for help in the event of a fire, heart attack or whatnot because they worry that the…

“Delgado believes that people shouldn’t judge the fired firefighters without knowing more about what happened.” Dafuq? What context does a noose have to be in to not be racist among these grown ass men? How could defacing someone’s family photos with lewd drawings not be meant to be taken personally by the victim.…

Well if we’re going to take “Disney” out of the blackest movie so far (not “ever”) what about:

He probably attended a state fair back when he was like 10 to be considered for this position.

I wonder if the $98k check the national park service had to bounce on Berkeley’s Black Panther History can be used to help preserve this national treasure instead?

Answer: When they’ve lost their creativity, fluidity and relevance.

This is why Black.Lives.Matter. exists. Kap could be a fully employed football player next week but still taking a knee because...Nucera Jr.

He had a firearm and was driving under the influence (that is he could have threatened to run over a cop) yet the police were so careful to arrest him. Well I guess he should thank the heavens he ‘s got the white privilege card because he lived through the arrest, then he should thank them again because he is only…

Bernie didn’t get my vote in the primaries because of his saying things like this. He is so out of touch with the POC and not just on a socioeconomic level.

How about both?

Chennel needs to file a civil lawsuit. So grossed about the toothbrush beckzilla rubbed on her anus.

“I like seeing white people walking around in “Make America Great Again” hats. It’s like a dashiki for the unwoke.”

RKelly is just sick and Dave Chapelle was on point in the skit he made to mock him. I would hope at the very least he would end up like the pedophile, Gary Glitter, but unfortunately even though that star was convicted and served time he was/is still making money on that “Hey” song they play at football games.

George Witless bet not EVA get a pass! I don’t care what he says now. To some Trump is so evil GW looks like a saint but these glasses say otherwise.

If lil mr racist flinches every time he thinks about saying the n-word in the future, the lesson has been learned.