
I was taught to use my words (first) so things won’t escalate to violence. I hope the unidentified teenager used his words first like
Welcome back, I’ve got some feedback on that snapchat or
Hello friend, catch these or
Surprise motherF***er!

Apparently there is no justice for just us. I don’t believe in hell but at times like this I wish it did exist for special people like Shelby so there would at least be some kind of divine retribution in the after life since it ain’t gonna happen in this life.

I feel you my ‘good sir’ as Ms Judge would say. Many of us brown and black folks living from paycheck to paycheck suffer serious setbacks when someone steals our stuff but others got that ‘privilege’ so they can just buy a new one on credit no worries.

If I were Lemon I’d hire the best cyber private investigators to put a name and a face to this terrorist-stalker I’ll bet he’s all talk while anonymous but he’ll be crying like the other nazi crybabies.

When I slammed this study on the table, they came back with—yeah, well that is just Wisconsin...’not all states.’ Then everything went black...Now, I’m gonna need help moving the body.

Sug Knight should probably tie with Mike Tyson, especially if that parking space rage incident in Straight Outta Compton was true to life.
Jehova Witnesses are scary, they’ll approach you anywhere. One tried to hand me a brochure while I was in a public bathroom stall. Needless to say I was constipated for a week

Yes, I think Radical Christian Terrorism exists and it should be called out for what it is. Sure I’m gonna give that Jesus-freak fanatic on the left the side-eye when he takes off his pointy white hood as I comfortably call back w’alaikum salaam to the Muslim guy on the right, because this is America and I know which

It’s not uncommon for companies to subcontract so I’m not concerned that this firm has just two employees. Unfortunately, it’s also par for the course to see politicians making money off sh!t that should be considered a conflict of interest (e.g. Cheney and Halliburton; Condoleeza Rice and Chevron, etc., etc.) BUT I

Dilly, dilly!

Wish my kids could have seen Guillaume and Ron Glass in their weekly glory even if their characters were both Black men way too intelligent for their role (e.g. butler-before-governor for Rob, detective and later badass sci-fi preacher for Glass). At least they got to hear Rafiki and saw the Happily Ever After Tales.

Were are of these middle school degenerates learning this from?

I like’s definition of white supremacy..
“a historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of continents, nations and peoples of color by white peoples and nations of the European continent for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth, power and

Does anyone else think issuing a travel advisory is weak? We should be calling for an all out, old school boycott.


They probably should have went with brown is beautiful.

Dear Troy,
I’m still confused as to how the player protests have actually worked...Seems like a lot of idiots still think the players are unpatriotic uppity negroes who need to be oppressed more rather than recognizing that they are patriotic citizens exercising their first amendment right to protest injustice in the

Sounds like you bought the instant Cream of Wheat soylent green version bro.

“He denied us service at lunch, and they had to go get us another waiter to wait on our table at that same restaurant,” the 26-year-old catcher said.

Sounds delicious. I was enjoying my rooibos tea with a hint of lemon and lots of honey. Some people get horrible, untimely deaths but (one of) their murderers gets to choose when and how he goes and we’re supposed to mourn him? Hmm, time for another cup.

I remember reading (somewhere) that the father of the fallen soldier complained that his ex-wife was his son’s sole beneficiary for life insurance or military benefits or whatever so that is why Trump offered the $25k. It’s doubtful that any of the other families will see something like this.
In any case, I hope he