
Unfortunately, this is the only media forum where these murderers will be called ‘thugs’. Sad.

I think the discussion on the lack of distinct voice and perspective of Black women is on point, but I see more black males being killed off like their lives mean nothing in movies than Black women; so given that as a starting point Get Out was a refreshing piece of blackety black film.

It should be a surprise to no one that he gave himself 10 out of 10.
People keep throwing around the term ‘narcissist’. But you’ve got to realize they’re not talking about a cute guy who falls in love with his reflection in a pool. It’s a real personality disorder. Psychology today list these telling symptoms:
Has a

“White supremacy is apathy.” Damn that statement sent chills down my spine. There is no rational talking to and no way to emotionally move someone who is apathetic. People who are truly evil are apathetic and they are capable of doing horrible things-not for the fun of it, but simply just because they can. Like a

Damn she’s a talented publicist

The old heads I my family say they always call in a black man to clean up a white man’s mess, but Obama did his job for 8 years. We should not ask more of him. That electoral college system backed by both rich and poor, educated and dumb@ss wannabe supremacists brought the US to where we are. If these folks don’t like

“Dookeysius Exitus...”

After reading the first article, I thought you were kidding about the name of the school, Big “Shanty”, really?— It’s hard to expect great things of the administrators there who couldn’t come up with a better name.
And with friends like these...OMG whadafug? Corrie’s boy could have at least gone as a Union soldier in

Yeah, I’ll bet Mr Nazi got all pruny trying to wash away the hug with gallons of Dove.

She should call it the ‘53% Tour’ as a shot out to all her girls that failed her—probably because they were too scared of the imaginary superpredators.

What was Lt Scott doing while Sweikata was being an ass? It’s like he just added his two cents...”get down on the ground” and faded away into the sunset while this 86 year old was tasered.

I was just explaining irony to my kid yesterday, thank you for a fresh new example. The one news outlet Trump touts as real delivered FAKE news b/c reporters were too lazy to fully vet (pun intended) this lying ass liar!

Thank you for this history lesson.

and he still owes an apology to the Khaaaaaaaans!

Sure, I’d rather a racist not grade my papers or give me my performance review at work but this is where I live. However, I should be protected by receiving clear rubrics for the assignment up front (that is the professor’s responsibility no the TA) and ask for clear examples of performance that will give me

As a mother, I have to say I absolutely love my kids unconditionally, it’s pretty much right there in the virtual job requirements BUT my kids, though they do love me—there is no expectation by any means for them to love me back unconditionally.

Let’s face it people, could we have expected anything different from this DIC (dotard in Chief)? We should just be relieved he wasn’t there in person throwing dollar store tissue boxes at the widow and children of this fallen hero. The DIC is so patriotic when flags and symbols are involved but not the people who

It’s funny to me how fanatic sportsfans act as if they have some ownership of their favorite team(s) and how so many of them fail to understand/or pretend to not understand that the protest isn’t against the flag or the anthem but against the idea that POCs—well mostly just us black folks—don’t get the liberty and

Would you stand for these?