
I’m in total agreement with you on this. I don’t think she is funny but she did get her academy award for a non-comedic role so her name should mean something—certainly more than that other non funny Schumer chick-they lowballed her, yes but I’m still not ready to boycott cause even if they offered what she was worth

I love this kid’s journal entry—barring a few grammar and spelling mistakes will overcome by college-there might be a future writer here theroot should snap up

eww does he have to be naked in the shower crying into his bucket of KFC? Thanks for that image Damon, so much for breakfast.

They can’t take the money with them but they can pass it down to the next generation or back up bitcoin Nazi donations ‘ cause a country run by POC with some sense is a real hell worse than the afterlife version they can only imagine.

I loved this movie, the lines you mentioned are the classics my inner circle still use at the oddest, funniest times. I have the DVD in my private collection next to the Last Dragon (Sho Nuff; he got the glow). They’re funny on their own but even funnier with a little alcohol in your system...

Shit I couldn’t eat oatmeal for a week after this movie.

I loved this movie but I’ll only admit it to my closest friends and family, cause the masses may not understand. It’s in my private DVD list next to The Last Drago (Sho nuff got the glow!). I enjoy them both sober but they’re even funnier after a few glasses of wine.

The statistics for homicides of pregnant women by their partner are no joke. I don’t know why these cops didn’t take the domestic violence call seriously.

Oh snap! I can see the butthurt responses are going to leave us with a clap back or two to close out 2017.

Let’s add United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley to our list of runner ups for Becky of the Year for trying to strong-arm the UN over the Tel-Aviv to Jersualem capital movement—getting served backlash and then gloating with a $285 million reduction of UN peacekeeping operations.

I see your point, but just because the person who thought of a good idea is dirty doesn’t necessarily taint the idea itself beyond usability. The US was established by several slave holder hypocrites on stolen land but the ideal of a democratic republic isn’t a bad one.

Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I am concerned about my safety and my kids safety during some of the big releases and I wish there were metal detectors in use for that. For example, I’m sitting somewhere where the exit is close for the Marvel’s Black Panther movie. I live in one of those red states where wypipo love guns

He y’all he’s not dissing the Commodores, he’s pointing out they lost their mojo after Lionel left. Didn’t Lionel write most of their songs too?

The only thing that trickles down in this type of economic movement is the piss on the middle class and poor. The “good” news is that we don’t have to endure it long; conservative estimates by the former secretary of the treasury are that 10000 people will die every year as a result of the Republican tax reform.

Sorry bruh, but as much as I loooove me some LL Cool J, the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame needs to honor Janet Jackson and Chaka Khan first. Then I’ll join you on the Cool James bandwagon.

Grown folks don’t tease grown folks with a friggin shotgun at work. If they don’t have a workplace violence policy for the city government the victim should sue everygotdamnbody; s/he also needs to get a restraining order against this jerk, maybe even through in a civil suit for mental and emotional stress.

Now that Tuesday has come and gone...

thank you my Alabama cousins, phew, that was close!

Obviously Ron was having a Nelson/Strange` moment that ended up more gross and stalkerish and less funny like in the fictional world of Boomerang.

Could we introduce them to Roy in a dark alley somewhere?