
Wow. That’s like one out of how many cops that have murdered innocent people in the last two years. And I’ll bet he won’t serve more than 5 though I’d like to lose that bet. Hell Trump will probably pardon him before he leaves office. Ignore me, I just need coffee to get more positive.

Hmm, I’m guessing he didn’t have the guts to mention this when he spoke at that black church the other week ‘cause he’s still breathing, walking and talking sh*t.

Let us pray...Dear Ancestors in heaven please let some butthurt becky find the courage to write hate mail to the root and get clapped back so I can have another reason to look forward to Friday. Amen

I see the NYT article identifies her as nonwhite, that wasn’t on Ms Judge but you’re right, they should have just said ‘black’ but I guess they couldn’t bring themselves to do it after covering the day in the life of that naziwannabe the other week.

Was Damon referring to the one-drop rule? When I read that article, I thought he meant that if you look black, you’re black. If I don’t know you’re biracial and I pass you on the street, I’m just going to assume you’re a light-skinned black. If you’re ‘passing’ like Coleman Silk in the Human Stain, I might think

Well, I hope it’s paid administrative leave—you know the kind cops get after getting caught killing innocent black folk. And Ms. Weber, if there is a next time, remember to expound on your ‘because’ statement so the dumb*ss understands you’re answering his question not slandering him.

Can Shantell be my new fictional hero?

How amazing this unnamed guy got the word out that he was being held this way and how sad it doesn’t look like he’s going to get the help he needs.

Diversity training is great, they should throw some customer service training in there too but ultimately there needs to be consequences for the discriminatory behavior we’ve seen up to now to set an example and to emphasize that they will have zero tolerance in cases of bias towards customers and other employees.

Maybe it’s been a long day, but I am confused. The thing to be celebrated is that these kids got accepted into college, that means that several college admissions offices somewhere looked at the whole package of a student’s four years of high school, standardized test scores and extracurricular activities and sent out

Maybe it’s been a long day, but I am confused. The thing to be celebrated is that these kids got accepted into college, that means that several college admissions offices somewhere looked at the whole package of a student’s four years of high school, standardized test scores and extracurricular activies and sent out

That is some crazy legal crap there. Really? I mean I could see it if you hypnotized the spouse or something and took away their free will but this alien of affection lawsuit should be placed on the estranged spouse not the lover—although we know it was done this way cause the lover in this case has the money and

If the student hadn’t recorded this it would have been a case of he said/she said. Sounds like retaliation from Ostapa’s buddies rather than the enforcement of a school rule designed to protect the privacy of students.

I think the title: This Money Will Help a Lot of People, should be amended to read: This Money Could Help a Lot of People. One word makes a big difference.

Thank you for this. Baldwin is my unsung hero.

When you think Bob Marley or my President until the next good one, Barack Obama, you probably think “Black” but they’re both mixed and both accepting of their white/black parents. Let’s not hate on anyone for not denying a part of themselves. And, incidentally, if the Wikipedia info on her ancestry is correct she

6. Failure to get black history, science, facts correct.

I need monthly blackety black productions like these to escape from reality til the end of 45's term.

As soon as I read, “I love your writing BUT...” I knew Bill fuqed up.

next the alt furries will be jumping in pools of mayonnaise just ‘cause