
Any time you meet a payment or need a friend. Any time you’re out from under, not getting hassled, not getting hustled. Keeping your head above water and making a wave when you can. Good times, bro, good times.
Fresh Prince theme lyrics can’t keep it real like that. No comparison.

Hmm, this is the first I’d heard of this. Interesting. It kind of sounds like P&G has it’s corporate heart in the right place because we really should be having these talks with each other and with our kids. Unfortunately, I can’t yet advise my kids on what to do or not to do because it’s a Catch 22-like Philandro

That mission statement tidbit is F-ing terrifying....

A friend and I were talking about this and she asked me, “Well if the Russians hacked the system why did Hillary win the popular vote?” My guess was that the Russians only needed to focus on a few key states—because it is all about the electoral votes not about the popular votes.
If you get the majority votes for

Good work Michael, keep the tears flowing!

Hold up, Trump said he was going to find a less high profile position for Mucci so he’s supposedly not fully kicked to the curb. Let’s see if that comes to fruition though.

Is Amnesty International on the case?

My first thought was: Great. Shows like this are just going to result in more uppity closet racists coming out of the closet. Just what we need in an already divided America. I’ll just wait to see the numbers on the hate crimes at worst, and the race rants that are going to occur at the next retail outlet after this

Nice, I should save this as my phone’s wallpaper.

lol. Damn! I’ll have what you’re having too

This is the first police shooting where I felt sorry for the officer, because now that all the usual roles and colors have been reversed, he’ll likely be the first an only to go down for this.

You have coined a new word I will be going out of my way to use from now on until it catches on to everyone!: caucasity

I didn’t vote for Sanders in the primaries because he was too naïve about race relations and the impact of discrimination. Nothing has changed. I don’t want to see him on the ballot for 2020.

Me: Laughing while floating on a sea of white tears

Seriously though, ever heard of the greatest general the world has ever known... Hannibal-you know the African guy who rode into Italy and Sicily with a huge African army that changed the genetics of the Italians so significantly we have these nonblack Black Italians today...And that was ages before the Moors brought

Me: laughing so hard, now I’m crying.

Every day Democrats, Republicans, and the entire world are shocked by the latest example of Americas amateur President. Ignorance accompanied by a refusal to learn. Lack of impulse control, accompanied by a refusal to have his staff control his impulses...

I give Zero (0) SKCUF for wypipo tears. I hope there is footage from street cams showing the 20 block stalking and finger gun aiming.

I wonder if it would be easier to prosecute as an act of terrorism than as a hate crime.

You: If you saw a Disney musical featuring a monkey wearing asequined glove, youd think of Jackson, and youd be wondering who dressed that money and why it had its own pet monkey.