
A racist, by definition must be in a position of power to enforce their racial bias. Black people in America haven’t held that power here ever so all we can aspire to be until that power is had is prejudiced.

What is the point? Wouldn’t a Trump supporter just lie like the ass they voted for does on a daily basis to get some noogie?

The real issue here is she should have taken the initiative to learn how HIV is spread instead of remaining in ignorance and wear the damn gloves while eating with these kiddos.


Seriously? Take some time to educate yourself on the poverty problem in America and the cost of living/living wage. If you don't have the energy for that then at least go to this website

OMG I would love that! I was just thinking how much I love NY just for having a Malcolm X Blvd

He should have known better, he should have just said black folks need to stop risking their lives to save the life of racists. How could he not know that #LTFD was not going to go over so well? Blackety-black, dont talk back indeed.

Oh God! The entire section on the Egyptian sheets has me just. so. done. Michael and Stephen you are dangerous together. LMAO

LMAO. God Bless you!

Better update the July 4th article with warnings on bid whist too! Would love to see you try your hand at family reunions too. Thank you for the article, I needed that laughter!

Hold up, he is aging well.

Jermaine, why dont YOU do what you do when you did what you did back when you wore that natural cropped fro?

He was Caublasian, now I guess he’s Black

The only serial killer I’d let off for good behavior is Dexter. For two reasons: 1. he’s fictional and 2. he’s a serial killer of serial killers so he’s actually doing good vigilantism.

My five year old accidentally hit the news icon on his ipad and was horrified at an article on Trump that came up. It was funny, he freaked out and begged me to get Trump off of there.

Mommy, it’s been over 100 days, when will this nightmare end?

You forgot to add “again” cause this joker just shared confidential info about terrorist to the Russians just a few weeks ago too.

How naive of Carson. Im not a brain surgeon but Im pretty sure there isnt a procedure to lobotomize the poverty mindset and get people to think wealthy thoughts that become reality.

Okay, the child inside of me laughed at this and cheered the unknown black guy along because it must have felt so satisfying to put her in her place rather than wait for karma to come around. But the adult in me knows the right thing to do in this situation was to take the high road and ignore this old bitty and move