
Yes, more folks have been emboldened to show their true racist selves since Trump became President. Way back could expect overt racism in the South in places like Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama and of course even on the East coast in Florida but it was more covert in the North. The reality is theyre

And Brooksracism résumé is so extensive, he makes Steve Bannon look like Martin Luther King Jr.

First of all, I am so glad your kids can still laugh and make fun of this narcissist. My kids are terrified and numb. Our hopes of feeling safe, relying on government checks and balances are now just a happy memory.

Finally, some good news this week. I can save the jaded thoughts like this is only one down for later.

Problem #1 If Trumps gone, what are we going to do about Pence? And if Pence goes to, the chain of command still screws us Thinking Americans
Problem #2 If the impeachment doesnt happen, what will change for the US in four years? Nothing. This guy will get re-elected because Trump supporters still, STILL, love this

We will never get justice for these police killings of unarmed black people going through the proper channels will we?

Isnt Sessions under investigation still? (probably) Didnt he recuse himself from anything that may interfere in the investigation with campaign communications with Russia and with Russias screwing around with the 2016 election. (hell yes) Should he have been making recommendations to anyone about firing the guy who

Yes, I believe a president can de-classify information. The real issue is that Trump shared intel about a strong terrorist threat given by a respected source who did not want the Russians to knowprobably because they have the means to trace that informants identity But of course he did it anyway, because, well

The only response to the titular question is “because I’m blessed.” That ought to shut these bullies down-at least from a cerebral standpoint.

Why can’t he be both? I mean it’s America right, you can be what you wanna be and all that.

Wow. I’m impressed enough to wonder if dude is passing! Thank you for putting his name out there, this is one to keep an eye on. If by some miracle he can become governor of NJ it increases the possibility of him becoming the VPOTUS or POTUS some time in the future.

Boylan said that the defendants also unfriendedBrown on Facebook and would not allow him to play at the annual charity basketball games.

Hes not black enough until one of his old buddies shoots him during a routine traffic stop.

Careful, just because a bunch of people complain does not mean Fox will lose the case.

I’ve had the EEOC investigate an employer I wanted to sue for discrimination but they denied my claim. My lawyer said the issue was more defendable as workplace bullying rather than racism and age-ism. Unfortunately workplace bullying isn’t covered in the Civil Rights act.

American is now the Make America Great Airline—not for POC. I hope SouthWest doesn’t screw up too.

Finn is the Star Wars universes Nat Turner.
Chewie stayed woke.
Windu attended a HBJCUa historically black Jedi college or universitywhere he pledged Omega Psi Jedi. And thats how he got a purple lightsaber.
Saw Gerrera started Rebel Lives Matter.

Anyone who tells you the Civil War was about anything else is the equivalent of a Holocaust denier..

Is it just me or does Trump make G Dubya B sound like Einstein?