I’m a 5th generation Californian and have lived here all my life. I saw these beautiful Monarchs all the time growing up, and now I hardly ever see them. It breaks my damn heart. :(
I’m a 5th generation Californian and have lived here all my life. I saw these beautiful Monarchs all the time growing up, and now I hardly ever see them. It breaks my damn heart. :(
In what is yet another sad and alarming piece of news, the number of monarch butterflies in California has dropped…
One of my life goals is to be the kind of person who, had I also been on this panel, would have told that reporter to go fuck himself.
I do remember another interview I did for Bridesmaids with somebody who later lost his job for a conversation he had on a bus with someone else. I won’t mention names, but just think about it.
JESUS CHRIST! She has so much restraint for not punching their lights out. Her publicist should have said something to these pricks along the lines of ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’
Melissa McCarthy is InStyle’s February cover star and the interview is delightful—she discussed motherhood, her…
Jimmy Kimmel is one of the best liked guys in town, and he uses his platform for good. I’ve never heard a negative word about him as a person or as head of a sizeable show.
It’s flu and cold season, and that means some of you will be showing up to work coughing and sneezing. If your…
The rumor is that Jerry’s kind of a jerk. I can also see where he thought he might be able to parley his post sitcom fame into replacing Letterman. It he also “feuding” with Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert?
On Sunday, newly-sworn in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was interviewed on 60 Minutes about something that should…
I didn’t hold a party when I became invisible to men, but I should have.
In a recent interview with Marie Claire, the 50-year-old French writer Yann Moix declared himself “incapable” of…
When they protest, they should put pics of Jeffrey Dahmer’s face on all the signs. Remember how the police found a naked, bleeding Asian man running from him and because he didn’t speak English well, they ‘returned’ him to Jeff paternalistically to his eventual death?! I couldn’t believe he wasn’t killed in prison far…
Let’s not forget that Mike Pence is a soulless, money-grubbing hypocrite who told his devoted, rabid conservative listeners that it’s not clear if tobacco causes cancer...in 2000.
What’s with hating on dogs so much, Esther? Dogs are noble creatures and have lived beside humans for nearly as long as goats, fulfilling all sorts of needs that most certainly do not include fetching cans of Diet Coke. The living hate-filled mannequin serving the President should not be compared to our canine…
Let’s not forget that Mike Pence is an ambulatory piece of shit who was okay with an Indiana woman being imprisoned for 22 years for having an abortion, with her conviction predicated on widely discredited expert testimony.
Mike Pence is like that Survivor contestant that keeps their head down and tries not to make waves for the first few weeks to avoid being targeted for elimination, and then gets eliminated anyway because he wasn’t very good at the game to begin with.