A Friend Called 5

Hailey, I had no feelings for you previously, but OMG, I feel so sorry for you. If this is really how you feel you had no business getting married (to Justin or anyone else). Use your resources to remove yourself from public eye until you figure things out. You are enough, but you shouldn’t have to be beholden to 

I understand that acne can be really devastating for some - my BFF had to take Accutane, and even as a 40-something adult, still has the scars.

Clearly, cats are inferior.

If ‘over rated’ is seen as a dickish move, you will get your feelings hurt hard and often on this site.

Me too!

The life of the newly adult hipster is hard.  So very hard.

Please identify these great diners that ban very young kids during dinner times, I will patronize them exclusively.

Who the fuck takes their kid to a gastro pub for dinner anyway.

I honestly hope this policy is a direct response to Sam’s son and not just a general policy that bars across the country have.  It would warm my heart to know that this self important dick was the reason children are no longer welcome after 5.

I’m a parent of two and our local pub did this too. We went in before and left before 5 or ordered takeout, super hard stuff. How late are staying out having a drink with a newborn anyway?

Was this sarcasm? Otherwise, it seems a little crazy to post THAT comment on THIS article.

No. Patients in a permanent vegetative state don’t absorb nutrients very well and are almost always underweight. It would be a very bad idea to keep a person in a permanent vegetative state obese anyaay, since that would make bed sores worse and obesity affects breathing and circulation, which is already impaired in

Sam is so important and influential that he was alerted to this new policy by a fucking sign on the door.

How is it even remotely possible that a woman can be near-constantly monitored, and no one noticed (1) a change in her physical appearance OR (2) the various internal changes (hormonal levels, etc.) associated with pregnancy??

Methink the lady (or entitled Dad) doth protest too much.

Well, it’s a new policy, so the only possible explanation is that they heard he had a kid and they wanted to show him that even though he put them on the map, they didn’t want him around any more. It’s so obvious.

The level of entitlement of this guy is so damn high.

Use your words, son.

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

Power Animal just made a statement, I don’t see how they were dickish about it. They are overrated. They are good but not legendary talents with clever marketing/managers/spin doctors.