A Friend Called 5

Must agree, though there are some organizations that are trying to help. Some universities are offering free education, even teaching in English. Other (in Brno, Olomouc) are offering some other forms of help, but there is no interest. I do believe that it is partially because the not-so-welcoming attitude, though big

Wow. I had to stop reading. The lack of compassion, empathy, and real facts was so depressing. All the bigots had the most popular comments. Sometimes I really despair for humanity.

Now playing

Please watch this movie, everyone. It definitely kicked me in the gut, so consider yourself warned. I sat there in tears for a few minutes wishing I had enough money in my bank account to do something...

Draw me like one of your French girls.

I’m sorry. Heroin is the definition of a Bad Idea.

Please don't continue using heroin, no matter what the lives of other users may look like. It will ruin you and destroy your family and everything you care about, if you survive at all. Good people don't encourage others to use heroin. Please stop using now, before it gets worse.

I was thinking that too, but then I watched the video in the AP story. The dog has an owner, who is a neighbor of the mom and she (the neighbor) is the one who called the police. Reina the dog is pregnant and that is her (I thought it was a stock photo!) above. Her owner seems like a good person from the short

“Showed no signs of physical harm” my ass! Skin infection, lice infestation, and having to be fucking fed by a dog are all SIGNS OF HARM. Jesus Chile, get your shit together.

I hope someone adopts both the child and the dog. Poor baby, I can’t believe the mother wasn’t arrested. What a good dog. Probably was just like “No ones gonna feed this human puppy? You should be ashamed of yourselves” lays down to feed the human puppy.

Once again, dogs are better than humans.

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.