I've spent my whole life living in a place where lots of cougars also live, so for my own safety I was raised to…
I've spent my whole life living in a place where lots of cougars also live, so for my own safety I was raised to…
Those are the eyes of a crazy person. The expression says "Why yes, I WILL boil your bunny".
And the side effect of Smiles That Never Look The Least Bit Natural.
Oh please let it be "goosed with a red hot poker".
Why does she look so surprised?
This. As a military mom, this times one thousand. Fox patriots with their little flag pins and their "thank you for your service, now gimme my tax cut" make me very, very cross.
if so, it would have had to happen quickly. There was only a two year gap between Survivor & The View. (She was really hot! Remember the headbands/head wraps? And the abs? I definitely remember the abs.)
She suffers from a terrible case of Resting Bitch Face as well as Stickupassitis. #ihateher
No shame, I feel ya. I loved her (just platonic for me) when she was on Survivor, she had a great personality then! And was super hot! really curious what happened to her after that... I wonder if she's one of those people who take on their husband's beliefs etc. when they get together?
Several years back, I walked past a restaurant where Elisabeth Hasselbeck and family were sitting in the outdoor seating area. She had her arms crossed and face scrunched up in a frown while her husband and kids laughed and ate. I obviously have no idea why she was so pissed but it was kinda perfect.
When on Fox News it is a requirement to constantly mention the military. When a Republican it is a requirement to cut all government services that help the military.
Justin Bieber recently dropped his most significant artistic creation to date: an Instagram video of Tom Hanks…
This is my new favorite video.
Why the unnecessary dig on Cleveland?
One man’s trash is another man’s overseas profit at the European version of Buffalo Exchange. In New York, shady…
Unfuckingbelievable. He is being so nice about it, and then she assaults him!
Good evening, Jezebel! It has recently come to my attention that many of you will soon be embarking on an extended…