A Friend Called 5

Fur coats just look ostentatious and "try too hard" to me.

Looks like she feels ashamed of wearing some dead thing.

Instead of the shelter having to deal with "stupid" people, we could be getting dogs off the side of the road because "stupid" people feel too ashamed to return a dog and instead drop it off on rural road in the middle of the night.

I know people get really upset when shelters/rescues (particular no-kill rescues) have INSANE adoption requirements, but THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THEY DO. People do shit like this ALL THE TIME because people are dumb and unfortunately shelters end up having to deal with the aftermath so have made ridiculous requirements

Or cats. Or myself.

If you can't handle farts, dogs are not for you.

Nobody wants to smell your exhaust. Man up and roll down your windows or if it's that hot, go into the air conditioned store. There's no need to be pointlessly wasteful just so you can play big fake trucker man.

#8 The Prius lady is a total asshat....

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Was this considered? I was busy yesterday.

They totally got what they paid for. With a big side of crazy.

I have no sympathy for them whatsoever. They're every bit as freaky as the nanny. They violated really serious labor laws but still felt like they could play the victim to the police and the media. Read this interview. They honestly don't understand that there are laws that apply to employers and feel victimized by

I have no sympathy for these people. They moved a homeless person into their home so they could get something for nothing, room & board = $0, thus insuring she was forever beholding to them. Some times bad things happen to the asshats who deserve it.

Right, and paying only room and board to watch three kids, from 1 to 11? That's nowhere near an appropriate salary for that job. You get what you pay for in life, and what they paid in this instance was just enough to entice a homeless person into their guest bedroom.

So she's alienated her own family with frivolous lawsuits, has never been a nanny before, and moved in straight from the shelter, and this family apparently didn't know any of that? I can't imagine hiring a regular babysitter with that little of a background check, let alone a live-in nanny. How did they not even

I am confused about all of these people and their nanny-hiring practices.

Did this family do any due diligence before they hired Stretton? They seem to know next to nothing about this woman who was going to care for their children. And, her only reference was from someone she hadn't even worked for/with.

Lesson number one: Don't hire a live-in from Craigslist. There's a reason agencies charge so much. While it's still a crap shoot, you can be pretty sure they won't be looking for staff at the local homeless shelter.

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But, but, baby pictures! And bulldog videos! And sometimes both together!