When a campus cop tells a woman hes going to slam her on the car if she doesnt obey him, and the college thinks thats perfectly ok, there is seriously something very wrong with that college.
When a campus cop tells a woman hes going to slam her on the car if she doesnt obey him, and the college thinks thats perfectly ok, there is seriously something very wrong with that college.
I know you know how much I also hate Guy Fieri, but I would eat that abomination and I would eat it all in one sitting, so help me God.
well, I mean, she was walking while black, so...what did she expect was gonna happen?
Remember Maymo that Clumsy Cabbage Thief? (How is that not a children's book yet?) Well, apparently it was the…
I am ridiculously happy that you used that reference.
Under the Milky Way is actually a cover. The original is by a band called The Church. They are pretty cool too. (Her cover is amazing though)
The guy in the front reminds me of this:
That's right. We're taking a trip back to 2007 Internet memehood/irl late 80s Florida public access, and we are…
Seriously. Her understudy—some hard working up and coming actress who isn't an entitled, narcissistic walking trainwreck—is about to get her chance to shine.
This is a great opportunity for whoever LiLo's understudy is. Theater productions start on time, every time, and don't wait around for impertinent actors.
They say Harrier pilots are some of the best in the world as the aircraft is notoriously hard to handle in hover.…
Same here. These are the idiots that give us a bad name.
I'm vegan, I love it. Assholes like this make us all look bad.
The last time my husband and I took a vacation was 1986, for exactly that reason. I eventually started my own pet services business, after running a Cat Shelter for 12 years and doing rescue and placement. I really prided myself on having a bunch of clients who could totally relax and enjoy themselves when they had to…
What's the over/under on the number of parent-teacher conferences they've already had about this kid's creepy behavior?
I have had similar (but less fatal issues). I've had like 6 surgeries and so some (many) of my already-very-tiny veins are pretty much unusable. It is just easier to take blood through my hand or my wrist. Despite my knowing this, every single freaking doctor and nurse FIGHTS WITH ME about this, arguing that THEY can…
I'm there with you ladies. I started having health problems in my late 20's and no matter the symptom it was almost always "anxiety"... Ok, so what if it is? Anxiety IS actually a very serious medical issue and can be completely debilitating. yet somehow it gets treated as something fickle, something the sufferer…