
No. But there's not a lot of doubt in my mind as to whether or not he's a racist: he is and has been for years. I also think he dislikes women and suspect that he's a serious germaphobe. A lot of other components to his personality: his relationship to money, his lower-class mannerisms, his aggression, the fact that

I think Trump is so hard to read that there are a lot of interpretations of the guy you could argue for. It's quite possible that he never really intended to win the presidency. It's likely he isn't an anti-Semite. But he's lived a large portion of his life as sort of a cartoon character, so it's difficult to tell

That also makes him a noun!

This is all true, but I think that Trump's personality and mannerisms had something to do with a lot of rejection. It wasn't just that his Dad made his fortune in Queens, it's that Don himself talked like a guy who stole cars from a living and covered everything he owned in gold paint and/or baroque styling. He wasn't

I'd sort of miss you around here.

When you have to explain your intentions to somebody after you've pissed them off and made yourself look like a bigot, it's a pretty sure sign that you're not communicating very well to start with.

Honestly, Mel Brooks made it work pretty well.

I think his perfectly gormless vacuousness might be a selling point for his audience.

Who are you callin' a "chink," bignose?

I'll look it up. His column admitting that Donald Jr. was caught red-handed with the Russians was also a surprise. I disagree with Charles Krauthammer on everything, but I have to admit he's perfectly named to be a conservative editorialist. Him and Max Boot.

Of course, there are places where Shit Goes Too Far. The Argentine military governments that followed Perón after 1955 tried exactly the same strategy, but ended up forcing the entire thing underground and making that motherfucker and Evita into folk heroes. People saved official photos of the guy and his wife under

I'd be okay with that. There are notable exceptions, and many exceptions in less popular sports, but big-time sports programs are as "educational" as the Olympics are "amateur."

The things! You say! Your [Love Symbol #2] prose just gives you away! The things! You say!

True. I've downloaded lots of free stuff off Bandcamp, and it's a great place to find label samplers and upcoming artists. I've discovered lots of quality stuff that way, and it's also cool that some labels will actually sell you their entire catalog at a serious discount.

This made me laugh.

Love the name/avatar combo.

But then I forgot to tell you about the mashup of "Baby Got Back" and
the Sisters of Mercy's "Temple of Love" I found somewhere on Soundcloud. Titled "Baby Goth Back."
That one's a keeper.

I'd like to express the same sentiment as Purple Tentacle, minus the sarcasm.

You joke, but there are plenty of dubstep versions of the "Law and Order" theme song.

I know that musicians have to make a living somehow, but am I alone being peeved that there isn't enough free stuff on Soundcloud? I mean, the place isn't Bandcamp, which seems to deal with more serious, or more established, artists and labels. It's like a gigantic musical flea market where you can find all manner of