
Do you actually know these people personally? If so, my sympathies.

Simply the best movie comedy of all time.

I noticed that too and might have phrased it differently. But one usually doesn't want to speak ill of the dead. People are remembered for their contributions, not for their mistakes. There are lots of kooks out there. But not every one of them was the first black guy to tell jokes about white people in front of white

I don't think it's going to be the Russia thing but what the Atlantic called the "Agnew option" a while back. Mueller's got wide investigative powers, and can easily justify going a few years back into the records of the Trump Organization, which most people in the New York real estate world assume is as crooked as a

I think that would be assonance.

The guy's a dirt sandwich.

I'd wear a stupid hat for the woman I loved. Maybe not as often as Ament did, but still. At least once or twice.

Pearl Jam is right up there with Jamiroquai and Peter Gabriel in the "stupid hats" department.

When you're ripping off friggin' Teen Daze album art, you know you have a problem.

I'll stop in to agree with you. Why this band has superfans I'll never know. I imagine that if Rivers didn't wear chunky glasses or go to Harvard, they'd be a thing that some guys did one summer.

This is just what white America needs right now.

Oof. Well, thank you for your contribution. You put some time into this post.

My parents are from Massachusetts, and that's the kind of place where only skinhead trash fly the Stars and Bars. Gives you a different take on all these flag debates.

Now that's something I didn't know. I'm shocked that they've survived all this time. Is it that nobody knew or cared who they were, or didn't know that they were even there?

This is all very disappointing.


Not suggesting he was! There are bad people from everywhere, and this doesn't reflect badly on you. I was wondering how Southerners would see Trump, seeing that debates on these sorts of monuments often run north/south and Trump is (ha! ha!) crossing the border here.

Well, they know that. But Reagan wasn't a very good Christian, and they were fine with that, so it seems less mysterious.

I'd like to hear our Southern A.V. clubbers take on this: people down below the Mason-Dixon line have to realize that they're being played for rubes here. Trump is from Queens. If there's one place that the Civil War generally isn't a hot-button issue, it's the Northeast, where it's considered a thing already

No, not in the final political analysis. Trump's a bigot whether he's being "ironic" or sincere. Some people who've written on him think that the only things he sincerely believes in are a clumsy sort of economic nationalism and a whites-first conception of what being an American means.