
If you'd just left it there, that'd be fine. But there's a lot more to that statement than it lets on.

Well, I'm not a systemic racist, but I know enough about myself to know that the opinions I have may have been influenced by the experiences I've lived through. There's a balance between my cultural perceptions — which I can't really help — and my conscious judgments, which I can. Other people come armed with other

Tell me how you've suffered, my white brother.

No wonder what that awful John Lennon song says, it's our differences that make us who were are, and our ability to tolerate difference an others that fits us for civilized society.

I think you're assuming that Trump has an ideology of any sort, when I think he's basically a whatever-works bullshit artist. He capitalizes on racism and extreme nationalism, but he's not a fascist. Mussolini and Hitler read far more books than this guy has.

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog could totally use this joke.

Maybe feeelm analysis isn't quite your strong point.

I didn't find "Cherry" as captivating as "The Liars Club," but it has a few terrific scenes in it (that nightclub scene, Jesus). I'm actually reading Tobias Wolff's "This Boy's Life" right now, which is more or less "memoirs of a teenage dirtbag."

It's not exactly a masterpiece, but I thought that 21 was fun and visually lively. Also, it gave Kevin Spacey a deliciously terrible role, the sort of thing he could play in his sleep.

I hate to say it, by memoirs by people who've survived difficult, impossibly weird childhoods are one of my fave guilty pleasures. And not all of them are terrible. "The Glass Castle" probably ranks as best-of-genre, along with Mary Karr's "The Liar's Club" and, maybe-sorta, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc's "Random Family,"

Overplayed, I guess, but I think "Milkshake" is fine. It was probably responsible for many, many boner-rific clumsy-yet-earnest attempted seductions by young women all across America. Many of these were probably successful.

Don't know if the movie's any good, but I loved the book. A harrowing, fascinating read. Effectively demonstrates that some that, depending on your point of view, that some people are capable of growing up without growing old, or that mental illness is a real bitch. As charming as Walls's parents could occasionally be

I applaud you for being able to keep Akiva the writer, the producer, and the man separate in your affections. That takes some skill: not everyone can do that. Some people think that artistic genius excuses any kind of bad behavior, others think that bad art is necessarily made by bad people. You seem to know the score.

Sleeping goats, actually.

I guess those two degrees in lit I got were all for naught if I don't sit down and read all of J.K. Rowling's oeuvre right now.

I was told "Go 'way! I'm watchin' my stories!"

I wonder if this guy's balls are as wrinkly as his forehead.

Good citation. The fact that Italian fascism wasn't, until it's radicalization, particularly anti-Semitic really throws a wrench into the popular conception of fascism. Of course, it was absolutely brutal towards Africans, so there you go.

A Jew using the term "cosmopolitan" as a slur. Now I've seen everything.

I tend to think that would count as "restructuring," not complete abolition of the program: you're still in favor of some sort of government involvement in providing universal health care. I'd bet that Tomi wouldn't be, and would have some nasty things to say about people on Obamacare or Medicaid mooching off the