[grabs "rasta Bart Simpson" bootleg t from the cubby hole above the closet, dances for joy]
Those are fine if they actually like the band. Usually they've never heard them.
The Five Minions You Meet in Heaven
Is this satire? Do I really want to know?
Can I make a Nuprin joke?
Thank you for your thoughtful response. To be honest, it was probably more than my little joke actually deserved.
No. (I'm an American, BTW)
The term I'd use is "hegemonic power." At our strongest, anyway. The case might be made that we were a minor empire after we took over Spain's possessions and a bunch of guano islands in the late 1800s.
To be fair, this is exactly what happens in Live Flesh, or Carne Treumula, but how much shit do you hear Almodovar get for it, huh? Is it because one's funny and the other arty? One Spanish and the other a Jewish American? One an accomplished filmmaker and the other a (mostly) non-stop cinematic disaster? Or does it…
You don't even wanna see what Don Lemon does when he's alone.
The analyst in question reported that she was regularly filled with Payne throughout the course of their relationship.
Good points all. There are lingering legacies with some older immigrant groups. The Catholicism of older Southern European and Irish immigrants, for one. And there are more recent immigrants, of course, though I kinda wasn't referring to them. And there are groups that still self-segregate, to some extent.
I suddenly feel uncultured. It's been a while since I saw that one.
I'm white. I'm not a "white power" type, but I'm white. In the current American racial scheme of things, there really isn't a whole lot else I can be. What would you suggest I do? I'm not going to go around calling myself an Irish/Polish-American. Anyway, I live overseas, and people here hardly give a damn where the…
I understand that people have patriotic feelings about the places that they're from, and I'm cool with it. Nations are a thing, and a great deal of nationalistic sentiment is sincere and deeply felt. I'm not much of a patriotic type (born and raised overseas and kinda raised outside that particular church).
Lyndon LaRouche is still alive.
Those "white ethnic" categories are essentially dead and haven't been politically since before the Second World War. White folks are white. I don't care if they "divest" themselves of that by knowing a couple of good pasta recipes or something. Actual Italians and Irish people are aware that they've got distant…
Too metaphorical for me, though maybe you wan to elaborate?
Admiral Ackbar — he of 'It's a trap!' fame — comes from a race called the "Mon Callimari" or something similar.