
Capital letters and multiple exclamation points. Even back then those were signs of general stability. :) 

For fuck’s sake you purge your comments and this doofus is out here lobbing softballs.

I don’t know if it’s a good reason exactly, but there’s a pleasure and sense of community to voting as an event. You wait in line with friends or whoever, you chitchat, sometimes there’s little patriotic displays or someone plays music, you make nice with the seventy-plus volunteer who gives you your ballot and tells

On the other hand, a really rich guy with an axe to grind could file a libel lawsuit that costs a media company a lot of money and makes their lives difficult. Not that I have any examples in mind.

How do you do, fellow progressives?

Erm...the one on the right. I’m fairly sure that’s a highly, highly, fucking supremely controversial image of Christ. That’s yon Christ of Saint John of the Cross by none other than Salvador Dali (you know, him who paints stuff that looks like something spawn forth from Lindsay Lohan?) The actual image itself is

“Yeah, I ain’t puttin’ that back on the truck. It’s loud and it stinks. Look, the address matches the label, I’m leaving it here.”

My 80-year old father was waxing nostalgic about the ‘50s, saying how simple and easy everything was then, and why can’t it be like that again?

And clearance/damaged goods have a strict No Returns policy.

Well sure, but if there’s one thing that America loves more than socialism it’s atheist Jews.

It really surprises me every time some Republican assumes that all immigrants vote for the Democratic Party. It’s like they’ve never even heard of Catholicism.

That's why I sincerely do not believe Bernie would have won. All Trump would have had to do is shriek "SOCIALIST!" repeatedly, and it would have been an easy victory. 

Trump and all of his asshole supporters, if they escape the traitor’s noose, need to move to Russia.

“We are better than this” No, America you are not. Take a look in the mirror.

Three out of four times the only way to stop a bad guy with a rock is a good guy with a sheet of paper.

Parker knows!

Long live the Chesterfield. Oh, Canadaaaaa!

Now playing

The scene where he proposes at the mixer after they’d broken good! Seriously, Harry was one of very few men amongst a sea of man-babies on that show.