
Milwaukee: A drinking town with a drinking problem...wait...nope, nailed it.

Best hitting shortstops, sure, but he is an abysmal fielding shortstop. Still, absolutely a hall of famer first ballot.

Charlie Strong believes in crapping the booze out.

Steve Bisciotti looks like a recycled Barack Obama.

Did this take into account the year to year average rise in ratings / viewership? I don't know what those are, but without knowing, one could argue that its possible that although net viewership rises, it could have risen at a much reduced rate compared to past years due to a boycott ( I don't actually believe anyone

Rob Bironas never was involved in the end of a good drive.

So why do you stink?

What I want to see is on the 7th pitch, the machine dials in a 37 mph change up. I'm assuming the guy would just fall over.

Brian McCandroid counted three laws...

This comment is under appreciated.

As both a lifetime Maryland resident and a UMD grad, this is the correct (and horrifying) truth of the chessie nicknamed crab pretzel monstrosity.

What would a psychotic Nazi do though?

I'm going to go buy a box of cookie dough ice cream, eat all the vanilla, and throw the chips and dough into traffic now because of you.

I feel like the extended group of college friends I had are probably to blame. Our excessive use of Jell-O shots throughout college artificially propped up the market, like how the Chinese treat their housing market. Making Jell-O shots, regardless of demand.

Let me take a stab at this...he was probably just trying to give him the international sign for CUT so that he could turn the camera sideways before filming anymore.

I just want to believe the guy who mentioned the great garlic fries and the guy in the other fellow's story that only was there for garlic fries are the same garlic fry guy.

No matter how low they set the bar, age wise...

It sounds like something you contracted from a swiss miss.

Yeah, but where does he park his DeLorean on campus?