
If his grouping is like his strike zone, we have nothing to worry about. Dude’s a storm trooper.

   Worst comment ever...

Rich Texan is a name. Of a guy. On The Simpsons.

A rich Arkansan.

Why post this? It’s not March, man.

Exactly. It’s part of the game that we were taught in 9th grade baseball. Basically divide the team up when batting and have some look at fielder positioning and see if they move prior to the pitch to see if it’s a fastball or breaking ball; some looking at the catcher to see if he’s holding his fingers too low; some

Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.

OK, but can we apply that to video replay/determining what is or is not a catch? I am genuinely interested in how this plays out (and I think “there is no catch” or “you can never actually control the ball” could be satisfactory answers because then I would have no reason to watch the Bears anymore).

Generally agreed, and it would be nice if people in the media actually used word like lie and liar about Trump. But I think gaslighting works well here because it’s a more specific, more elaborate thing. When my wife asks me if I actually ate sixteen oreos for breakfast and I deny it, that’s a lie. But if I were to

“And then afterwards you got flavored styrofoam cups.”

AND the Europa league final, don’t forget.

If I remember right, wasn’t the Champions League final between two Premiere League teams?

In this two horse race, Man U are Secretariat. But Secretariat as he is right now.

Premise 1: the Premiere League was the best league because of its top-to-bottom competitiveness.

Man U will come back.

If this is a two-horse race, I’m assuming Man U will get euthanized on the track.

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

9 people from Toronto and no hits... what is this, Broken Social Scene?

Just because ‘most people associate’ something doesn’t make it right.  These are concentration camps, period.  And most people, yourself included, are fucking morons