
Trump’s a liberal?

Norman shat? I would hope so.

Re-KINDLE. Amazon? I see what you didn’t know what you were doing there.

Re-KINDLE. Amazon? I see what you didn’t know what you were doing there.

He was batting a thousand.

This makes the most sense to me, a man with a JD and nothing else.



Mesa is full of Mormons. That could be it.

Marion Cotillard is having Brad Pitt’s baby?!

So, you’re saying that talented players cannot be savvy enough to foresee a second contract or plan their careers? We’re in an age of 16 year old high school athletes thinking (and talking about) their brand. I think you’re the one who’s not pushing back, but against your own assumptions.

Of course they did!

I don’t understand why doggie would be risque in 1912. People’ve been fucking for a long, long time. Doggie ain’t new. Now, first time, maybe—maybe not. Rose was obviously adventurous.


Insert paraphrased Litany Against Fear below:

The penis is the flywheel of the body. It HELPS when dunking.

He can’t even make a metaphor without being bothered by blackness.

A million stars and thanks for tying in the Rodney King context. Tell us more about your experiences.

“Millennial phenomenon” isn’t actually a thing. It’s people not remembering or mis-remembering youth.

I thought hours, too, but it’s less than 5 minutes.

A mongrel word like “morph.” I hate that one. This old man is on an old man screed about another old man’s screed. This is the inception of old men screeding.

John Milton had the same problem, lo so many years ago.