
I guess it just wasn't their day, their week, their month or even their year.

Go to bed, Perkins.

You created your profile over a year ago, yet this is your first comment?

We get it, dude. Black people have it tough. It's not a competition. The fact that black people get discriminated against doesn't prove that trans people have it easy.


Despacito, you better come to your senses.

Ooh, A Gary Larsen calendar.

Meanwhile, West Virginia's Democratic Governor has joined the GOP and endorsed Trump, claiming that Democrats left him behind. This despite the fact he only joined the Democrats in 2015 in order to run for Governor.

Limited Liability Cool James.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's a liberal. I thought I heard him say that at one point. I know he once said last year that he literally didn't know any Trump supporters personally.

Veronica's Out Of The Closet Because It's 2017 Already

Hey baby I hear the blues are calling for new episodes of Frasier.

Imagen what if Seinfeld still on tv today

The reports I've read said that he was basically expecting that if he didn't do it, it would be leaked by the Hillary-hating faction of the FBI, so congressional Republicans would then be out to get him for "covering up" her "crimes".

Comey would probably still have a job if not for that last minute intervention of his. It's a shame the "liberal" media never paid a price for their absurd freakout. Never even an admission that they screwed up.

That's fair enough and it's not even and objective problem, just something I can't quite articulate that rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't even hate it; it just left me unimpressed. But there's some films I like that no one else seem to like. Wild Wild West is practically universally reviled!

It's hard to explain exactly why I didn't much like it, and obviously it's entirely subjective, but it just seemed like Transformers in the dark. Like, it's all murky and repetitive. Squinting to see which robot is punching which monster for the hundredth time.

I still don't get the hype surrounding Pacific Rim. It was ordinary at best, with one-dimensional characters, lame attempts at humour and dreary, boring action scenes.

I'm still hoping to see Mooch team up with Congressman Mike Turner.

So it's a Cosby?