
Trump should have just rastified him by 10% rather than firing him.

Note: Moochie died on the way back to his home planet.

In other news, Mooch's former boss Donald Trump has lashed out at congress for passing the Russia sanctions bill that he signed into law.


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Kesha, nor Ke$ha.

It's as Ann as the nose on plain's face.

I thought Ron Perlman was murdered by O.J. Simpson.

Tom Waits for Snowman.

Oh, I'm a racist, am I? Well, if discriminating against people based solely on their race makes me a racist, then call me a racist. Harrumph!

I would like to, but Mrs. Kardashian West has ignored my letters to her and obtained a restraining order against me.

This new season is generating a lot of buzz.

“Arby’s: For when you’re wondering what it tastes like when a cow dies.”

A bee bit my bottom. Now my bottom's big.

B. Kelly?

Is R. Kelly in this one?

Twin Peaks is a porno, right?

Codswallop. Who doesn't laugh when they hear about rape?

His touring company is called Very Good Touring? Is his next album going to be called Very Good Album?

What really bothers me is that Hillary seems to be held to a standard that no other politician is, let alone average person. She changed her opinion on something? What a lying bitch! Her husband signed a law that practically everybody supported at the time? She's history's greatest monster!

If you scroll up a little bit, you'll see that the discussion was actually hijacked by somebody who said Hillary would have been as bad on racial justice as Trump.