
If you seriously think she was co-president, you must not have muck knowledge of how the Clinton administration worked, regardless of whatever jokey remarks Bill made before getting elected.
But it's good to know that she must be a racist because she pointed out that she had more experience than her opponent. I guess

The main problem here is that she never even said what you're accusing her of saying. You twist her words and include a racial aspect which was not even remotely implied by her superpredator remarks.

A person in a strange costume walks onstage with an inappropriately dressed small animal

Crime rates rose greatly between the mid-60s and early 90s. The crack epidemic of the 80s likely played a part, but the most compelling theory I've heard is that is was related to lead poisoning. Anyway, the very real increase in violent crime created the "tough on crime" mentality.

She called extremely violent people "superpredators". It's not her fault if they were largely black, not that she even said anything about race. Telling someone to "be quiet" when they're trying to shout you down is not racist. And while welfare is not dead, I don't recall her ever saying anything about "queens," nor

ACLU EVISCERATES some guy who's suing John Oliver.

Rest assured, they'll be re-allocating resources away from helping minorities in order to do it.

Yes, but only if they're white and male.

He should have cameo-ed in Home Alone 2 instead. Clearly that's the way to the White House.

Perhaps Franken will win the Democratic nomination and choose former Congressman Robert Marion Berry as his running mate.

I guess if he's only there for three weeks then it hardly matters, but only being signed for a short time doesn't mean he wouldn't extend, does it?

While I get why Patinkin is dropping out of the show - and it's commendable - it seems shortsighted nevertheless. He may not want to take another guy's job, but given the drop in ticket sales, the whole show will be closing fairly soon, thus resulting in everyone losing their jobs.

Yes, and I lost my job as Subway spokesman because of it.

Is it possible that Senate Republicans will just wait for McCain to die, then get his appointed replacement to vote to kill all the poor people? I can't help but feel this fight isn't over yet.

What a terrible strain on my heart.

I've gotta hurry to watch Malibu's Most Wanted! I just pray I can find the time.

I few years ago, I tried to find Chelsea Handler funny.

The A.V. Club

He'll make a killing!

Damn. Why couldn't it have been a Home Alone 2 star who died?