
I think Osama Bin Laden was the producer of 9/11.

You're just upset he didn't choose to go with more of a Walrus-style moustache.

My fake girlfriend that I made up once lied about me killing myself. That's why I had to break up with her.

RIP Ass Dan.

Wait, is this for real? I remember reading that obituary for him and thinking it was weird that they would even find out about his death. Like, if I died, I guarantee nobody who knows me as Afewthings would ever realise.

Tell that to Billy Bush.

Just so long as they include the Hung Jury.

No Dave Matthews Band?

If Randy Jackson isn't a judge, I aint watching.

Only 2000's kids will remember American Idol!

So, he's hosting Idol and Live, plus about 3 different radio shows, and he always does those New Years Eve shows. How does he have the time?

Arya needs faces!

Nah, it's just a lame Family Guy ripoff.

Next week on The Simpsons: PSY guest stars, teaches Bart to dance Gangnam Style.

Coster-Waldau guest stars as the guy who sells Moe a cell phone.

Maybe. But some people are strangely highly involved in small local issues, especially if it involves their kids. Like, I can't imagine wanting to get involved with a PTA or running for a school board or whatever, but plenty of people do that stuff.

Of course they do. That doesn't mean everyone is a bigot.

Well, moving is a hassle for one thing. Plus he may not like any of the houses for sale nearby the new school.

It's not entirely clear since he hasn't actually said much about his position other than that he doesn't think the relocation would harm the quality of education. Perhaps he's just hiding his secret racist motivation, but I doubt it, since:
a) Most people aren't racist (well, not very racist, anyway).
b) He has said

Huh? Cops tend to unfairly target black people, therefore Jason Jones is a racist?