
I don't like Nazis.

Right? Like, even if there weren't a bunch of out-and-out Neo-Nazis and Klansmen there, the original point of the rally was to protest the removal of a monument to a confederate general - a guy who fought and killed Americans in order to preserve slavery. That's disgraceful on its own - no swastikas needed.

Caroline, No.

The blue guys were reds?

Still got more screen time than Gilbert Gottfried.

Listen, I know he's Steve Martin, but I don't like his music. I don't know enough about banjo playing to say whether it's great or terrible, but I sure as hell suspect that nobody would care about it if he weren't famous for doing something else.

Risky Show Business

Oh, be nice.

If I become a Scientologist, can I get eternal youth, too?

Shonda Rhimes Can't Fight The Moonlight!

Obama's so narcissistic and his hair is terrible! Sad!

You want Trump posing in a red dress in front of the Statue of Liberty?

This season, toothbrush moustaches are IN.

What, no Men In Black? It had a theme song rapped by Will Smith! What more do you want, people?!

Don't hate The Game, hate The Player.

IIRC, the book it was based on was a bit different, more pro-war and pro-fascism, but the film added a satirical element.

So basically what the State of Illinois is saying is, Thanks Obama?

That's what's known as a Friday at my house.

Did he lose half his writing staff from The Colbert Report or something? I don't get it. He's noticeably less funny.

Don't worry, we can all just go to The Dissolve. They don't use Kinja …