
Sorry, honey. The microphone is sleeping. Shhhhh! Night-night, microphone!

Yay! This is exactly the post I've been looking for. So many great suggestions. This year, I challenged myself, as well as the ten year old girl I nanny for, to read a book a week. We're already bookworms, so this will be a fun challenge. Anyone else tried this? And, on that note, have any suggestions for books a 10

Now playing

I didn't see her in High Society since I was younger than she was at that point. I will always have a special place in my heart, however, for Fritzi.

That closet app idea existed back in 1995.

That's an awesome idea! It wouldn't work at this group home because one of the guys here would rip that schedule apart within a day, but I'll definitely try it if I go somewhere else!

I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. I work at a group home where all the residents need supervision washing their hands, and it is seemingly overrun with these deviants. Here is a sentence I use at least three times a day, in varying tones: "I know other people do it differently, but when you're with me YOU GET YOUR HANDS WET

You're totally right. I give in. Sigh.

You guys. I get why I'm supposed to stop hating Lena Dunham so much. She gets a disproportionate amount of criticism for being outspoken and not having Hollywood looks and being brave enough to present female antiheroes and so on. But why does she have to be so awful all the time? "I'm not crazy, it's the world that's

YES! These books were good for my ASD kid! Also, Amelia Bedelia is good at other things, like making pies, and the people around her help her with the things she's not good at. :)




Is it bad that I actually kinda wanted to see her bang her stepbrother?

Okay, there's a risk with performing the laparoscopic surgery, but there's also risk with performing the more invasive, non-laparoscopic surgeries. It would be nice if Jez would hire a science writer who would go more in depth on these things instead of using the typical media scare tactics that make people distrust

I married an Egyptian and ours was the worst ever.

When I was a kid and exactly as lazy as I am now and didn't want to get out of bed for school my parents would just open the back door and let my dog into the house. He would run straight for my room, jump on my bed, and immediately start slobbering on my face and trying to wrestle with me.

Do suspenders remove the belt requirement for men's dress pants?

I have been spending my time thinking of all the random and creative ways they might—if I am a lucky girl—kill off Fitz this season.