
the first money you should spend on your bike, is riding school for you.

private and unavailable

i literally, was ready to shit my pants waiting here, i’m sleep deprived, my mouse finger is cramped from pressing “refresh, refresh, refresh” on my browser waiting for exactly this. I will never never fuck up this badly again.. now, i will go sleep and take stake of what i’ve done with my life, and future choices. I

isn’t it curious how “leaked” photos seem to be taken by someone with a 1990's flip phone camera, despite the fact that you can’t find a single individual with one of those in the real world? when does the whole “leaked” bullshit parade of low-res images and feigned excitement stop?

haha.. thanks for noticing. yes i find that more fun that trying to play it off. i must take the entire jalopnik commentariat’s derision before I can go off to dinner

yes, i realize, that i missed, THE JOKE!!! I’m standing HERE, waiting until the internet forgives me, so i can go have dinner.

yea yea yea... 

yes thank you. the whole internet is helping me understand just by how much

damn.. that’s harsh. i’m getting creamed here for missing this joke

haha... hahaha... fine. i missed the joke

true. ok, let me try: “Golden Gate bridge found to be a real living thing, screaming it doesn’t like it’s red communist paint!!!”

title of this article is misleading and click-baity. I am looking at the G.gate from my living room window.. we can hear a slight hum in SF, definitely not through out the bay area which is 100 miles distance. 

i’m not sure the article explained it well or maybe you misunderstood. we have a pedestrian and bicycle dedicated walkway, people need and do cross the bridge thousands of time daily. the goal was not to stop pedestrians from crossing, it was to stop the sudden gusts which blow you off your feet at times.

nice, if you’re in the bay area we have a little FB group of cafe/classic bikes, we go on rides if you’re interested: Cafe Racers of the Peninsula

next time you come to my town, my spot, to take pictures like THAT.. call me, we’ll get coffee first.

wasn’t photoshopped..just cloudy. But, Bradley Brownell DID steal my favorite photo spot and now we’re going to have words.

i’m not sure how to tell them this, but that’s MY photo spot for MY bike.. and if they do that again, we’re going to have a photo-shoot. (ahem)

it’s going to be the world’s best pebble sprayer.. cars behind are going to love this

i went to the 2 day school at ONeil.. learned a lot.