
i’m totally impressed. this reminds me not to buy new sports cars anymore which i treat with velvet glove, and actually have the balls to buy used stuff and then modify it.. so much better.

and yet, if you ask for the gold option in the engine bay in a modern mclaren, even a lowly 570s.. it’s many many tens of thousands of $AU’s....

why is it drilling the holes?.. is it internally oiled/cooled?


the marketing attempts for the pisspoor abomination of a car never cease to amaze me. if i could tell the backstory of how the project originated, who is behind it.. and all the ridiculousness in decision-making.. well, i’d lose a few friends so i won’t. needless, to say, not a single one has been sold.

my thoughts were infinitely more beige than yours. i’m talking sleeping while daily driving (legally).. 

interesting perspective. i guess i could answer with a flippant “with great power comes great responsbility”... F1 should not shirk this responsibility

mid-engine corvette twin.

this. i’m starting to get disenchanted with “performance” dailies. I’m starting to fall into the lull of the baseline tesla, with nothing going on inside except for hopefully a good stereo and a very good self-driving system. i can keep my performance driving for the weekend sports car, or even just a small track car.

i guess I should know better than to answer a random rude comment from an anonymous (but brave) keyboard warrior who launches insults, but here goes: Dear “Jank Now”, this whole comment section is about humor and sarcasm, so it’s funny to notice how you can recognize your own sarcasm, but that of others you take very

somebody may need to explain the whole british habit of steering wheel on the right side to this man. it’s complicated and non-sensical i agree, but with some effort he will understand 

that’s actually decent looking

so, is this the new mid-engine corvette?

humans have forever found ways to dehumanize others so as to allow their brain to commit acts which they would otherwise find impossible. in war we think of other soldiers collectively as “the enemy”.. so that we can kill them without feeling like a murderer. in a car normal people become somewhat psychotic, and

you’re completely missing the main piece of advice on how to see the races for free and up close!!!!! Sign up to volunteer to be a marshal.. for example at COTA in Austin they let almost anyone sign up, minimal to no training except on day of. You see the races from behind the fences INSIDE THE TRACK.. there is no

once again, i find it funny, strange, bizarre... or complicit somehow, that when electric motorcycles are mentioned on this site, that the brand who runs the entire e-motogp field, with dealers all over the US, the highest voltage batteries, quickest charging, longest range, widest range of models produced.. is not

#homelessjalopnik ?

#homelessjalopnik ?