what a great exchange
what a great exchange
They are 130 orders back, with customers pushed out to 2+ years. This means they are using new deposits to buy parts for existing orders. Not a pretty situation.. this car is a way to try to catch up financially. So yea.. the price seems wonky because it is
damn it.. i KNEW it.. total fuck up on my part. should have never even bothered. deleting it now.
the reason the concept is beautiful, and the production model looks misshapen, is that the front wheel-well starts too far below the hood-line in the production model. notice the difference there between the concept and the actual car.. in the concept the wheelwell comes very close to the top line of the hood. it went…
it sounded pretty good from the stands..
i videotaped this from the stands. also took a few pics:
Had dinner with these guys last night and learned all about the car, went for a quick spin. Incredible integration, no cutting required to put it back to normal.. except that futuristic interior of course.
RWS does wonders for the handling of cars today. I realize that the mechanical system was probably heavy and slow.. but the effect should be the same as today’s electonic RWS like on GT3 no?
if both cars were planned, wouldn’t we have seen some front-engine prototypes also?
i’m sorry bad assumption on my part. ya know, jalopnik-type, posting lady pics in bathing suits,.. i had you all pinned as a dirty old man behind his computer in his undies smoking cigarettes ashing into his month-old cereal bowl.
nonononononononononononoo... breathing... nononononononononononononononononono.... gasping....nononononononononononononononononononono... (ad infinitum).
“Volvo’s Polestar performance division came up with a new software update to give its all-wheel-drive cars a rear bias, by increasing torque distribution to the rear wheels. Another, perhaps less complicated, way to increase rear bias would have been to make rear-wheel-drive trim options, but this is fine too.”
more interesting would have been the 918 behind it. I’ve driven one on track and had some fun on road with them.. aaand, once on the dragstrip. it’s next level from the Aventador. i don’t know the 918's top speed, but i do know it would have gotten to it MUCH faster than the Aventador’s relative crawl.
why? this deserves an entire article on the history of Jalopnik commentariat.. or it will lost forever. you are one of the core comrades, your efforts mustnt be forgotten without at least .. a statue?
they might miss it this period, but they’ll cycle back eventually.
depends at what frequency you wave at people..
see above my answer to RPM 8250.
arguing on the internet never leads to anything good, but i’ll answer just to be nice. No, i haven’t driven a Veyron, I’ve only ridden in one. However, i have driven many hypercars on track and on road, P1, 918, helped with testing of scg003s, multiple Paganis, many many others,.. you can check my youtube channel. My…