
Prometheus was better. Now that was a movie trying to do something different, it was different from all the summer blockbusters. It was raising larger philosophical questions about the human condition and our quest and desire to understand our purpose in this universe. With Alien: Covanent, we are back to mostly

Make Skaikru Great Again?

Just noticed that The Leftovers: Season 3 is the highest rated show of 2017 so far on Metacritic with a score of 98 and the 8th highest rated show of all time. Very impressive and well deserved.


HBO cares about critical acclaim similar to other cable and streaming services that air prestige dramas. As the OP mentioned, the landscape was very different when Leftovers season 2 aired- HBO had True Detective which they thought was their next big thing coming off of rave reviews in Season 1, they had Vinyl and

I was thinking the same, after this season ends HBO will have no prestige dramas left other than Game of Thrones. Yikes.

Not to mention, I feel like there isn't even anything left to answer. The show has said they are not explaining the sudden departure, but other than that everything has been answered. I don't even have that many questions other than for plotlines that are still in progress this season

My hope is that the writers continue to take the show and characters seriously and don't let it go the way of The Vampire Diaries did after it's first 3-4 seasons. That was a great and satisfying season of television. Lily Reinhart was the breakout star of the series.

Don't you think that if anyone was interested in spoilers or hints, they'd take 2 minutes and look it up on google? Or do you think that those interested in spoilers would come to AVClub reviews and go through the comments hoping that one of them contains the spoilers they seek? Stop forcing spoilers on us by posting

This show is more uncomfortable to watch than even the most depressing stuff in The Leftovers season 1

I disagree. All the details lineup between what Kevin told Christopher Sunday and what we saw in Interantional Assasin.

Looks like there's no discussion on the biggest thing in this episode. This episode pretty much confirms that the events of 'International Assassin' were real and not 'in Kevin's head' as some people have theorized. Kevin Sr's story about getting high on God's Tongue and ending up in a hotel, causing a fire in room

> Season two had some potential to MAYBE push its ideas further than, "OOH! What's in the Mystery Box?", then it shit the bed at the end, just as I had figured.

Hali is so cute! How could they vote her off? Ridiculous how she looks cuter than ever after 24 days on the island without any showers or clean clothes. I literally have heart and blush emojis on the screen whenever the camera cuts to her. So disappointed that they got rid of her.

>> Dont have to answer any more questions about that anymore!

Kevin Garvey. Based on the math of it being Tommy's 25th birthday, Kevin being 25 when he met Laurie and Tommy being 2 at that time that puts Kevin Garvy at around 48 years old

> Kevin knows he can't die. It looks like he does his asphyxiation ritual often enough to remind himself.

The score on this show continues to be top notch, from the song choices to Max Richter's original compilations, the score is very much a character on the show, similar to how Michael Giacchino's score was on LOST. Lindelof sure knows how to find talented people to kick the show up a notch through music.

I mean it's only 10 episodes, if you are gonna watch it. may as well watch it all

Now I feel bad