
The funny thing is all the examples you listed are things that were LITERALLY explained on the show. It is not Lindelof's fault that you can't seem to keep up.

Agreed. Lost finale and season 6 was brilliant

You clearly have very poor understanding or memory of the show. He's not even in season 2. Whatever Wayne thought Lily was is irrelevant as he admits to being a fraud to Kevin. He also told the asian girls he impregnated the exact same story. It is pretty clear in season 1 that the entire thing about the kids was a

Wayne was resolved in Season 1. The effect of the hugs was likely a temporary placebo effect evidenced by how Nora thinks it worked for her but ultimately by the end of the season does not. He also admits to Kevin before dying that he thinks he is a fraud. I am not sure what you are talking about "him knowing when and

One is a place where Kevin goes to after he dies and the other is a parallel universe where the 98% went. I don't see why the two need to be connected, infact it would be kind of stupid to connect the two as being departed is not the same as being dead.

> He keeps intimating throughout that he's going to explain everything.

Meh, LOST had a much bigger (and wider) audience. I don't think this finale was better than LOST's, it was at par with the LOST finale, I love the LOST finale. This is actually where shows with a smaller audience have an advantage over shows with a wide and massive audience. You have a less diverse audience in terms

> I do face palm at the opening sequence for six when Jack is in the plane and suddenly we get the dive in to the ocean ..right with them showing the dharma shark and the jaws music.

> I meant the majority of the audience, myself including.

> But everyone here knows they were there for the mysteries.

I assumed that was Jill's kid, that kid looks way too young and white to be Laurie's kid. Laurie can't have kids at that age.

My only regret about The Leftovers is that Brit Marling never appeared on the show, even just as a guest, this is exactly the kind of story where Brit Marling plays a character

There is no reason to not take Nora at her word. She is not someone like Kevin Garvey Sr. or Matt who have their own agenda and are known to put faith in things that aren't really there. Nora has been shown as a fairly rational and skeptical character, there is no reason that would change in the last episode and make

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to either The Leftovers or Lost. That's okay, world need clueless people too

Nothing in this season is similar to LOST S6 (speculated or otherwise)

What the fuck was that? I have only seen the first 42 minutes (decided to watch the second half of the premiere later when I was less tired). Very slow, very testing of my patience and certain scenes seemed deliberately designed to troll the audience. Like that one scene with the guy staring at the box, that's fine as

If Kevin doesn't return from the dead this time, Nora goes through with using that machine on her, that combined with Laurie's suicide, imagine how traumatized Jill and Tommy are going to be!

I like the episode but personally I was distracted as I could not wait for Kevin and Kevin Sr to get on with their crazy shenanigans, I kept waiting the storylint to get to that part that I felt I shortchanged the rest of the episode.

I laughed out so hard when Serena was not allowed into the room to speak to the new Gilead govt that she helped create. It was the best example of instant karma. I don't know if the show expected us to feel sorry for Serena in this episode but I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy, infact watching her misery as the

LOL In Prometheus many of you laid the blame squarely on the shoulders of Damon Lindelof for the exact same things that you are now critisizing in Alien Covanent which has no Lindelof involvement. Almost like a legendary director like Ridley Scott has the final say on stuff like that.