
Wait, what has this post got to do with the one above. Stop moving goalposts. The real problem here is that you thought you were being clever by finding that quote which clearly doesn't mean what you think it means. So at best you were being deliberately obtuse or at worst you don't understand the concept of

>> The ending throws away that dichotomy and directly shows us all of >> the characters in fucking heaven. Faith wins out completely, and half >> the show falls away;

Why the hostility? I just acknowledged that your way of consuming the show is perfectly suitable for those a bit slow of mind and lacking an attention span. That should not be taken as an insult, it really is not your fault. Just like one wouldn't be upset at a cat being unable to follow the plot of a Spongebob

Yeah, there are lots of people with peanut size brains and attention spans shorter than that of a gorilla in heat, this is a perfect way of watching the show for those people. Not saying I would recommend anyone consume a tv series like this but hey the world needs simple minded people and these simple minded people

Erectile Dysfunction is frustrating I understand, but no need to take your frustrations out on random people on the internet.

Don't worry, there are some people incapable of any amount of critical thinking, it's not your fault.

I imagine this person as sitting in front of his computer in a white wifebeater covered with oil stains, a large unkempt beard with small pieces of food stuck in it, breathing heavily as he types this with orange cheetos stained fingers as in the background a bunch of cats weave in and out of a large number of empty

LOL Good for you I guess? You want a cookie? I would call you out as a moron first of all for lacking basic reading comprehension. Even in that quote youare underlying your inability to comprehend abstract thought. For instance you proudly quote "there isn't any time travel", which contradicts nothing as that

Fool didn't watch the show, then acts pissed about how it ended LOL

Pretty disappointed with that finale. It just seemed like there was zero finality to the finale. After the episode ended, I thought to myself, surely that can't be the finale and went onto wikipedia to see if there were more episodes this season but nope this was the finale. It didn't seem to me that the season told a

The difference between Clarke and Bellamy's massacres is that that Bellamy massacred in cold blood. He had someone who helped him tons in Lincoln repeatedly tell him that the grounders around them are there to protect them from the ice nation. But Bellamy went out of his way to gather up weapons and go along with a

And the show has the audacity to put his actions in the same boat as Clarke to try to make him sympathetic again, I can't even enjoy any scene that he is in anymore.

Yea the morality of the entire Indira thing is fucked. Like the only reason he lets her live is because he personally knows her, all those other innocent grounders WHO WERE THERE TO HELP THEM killed and zero fucks were given.

I have to say I am really not a fan of where this city of light plotline has gone. I loved the 'City of Light' storyline in Season 2 where it had a mystical and otherworldly quality about it. I was intrigued by it early in season 3 where it wasn't quite clear where it was going but now I can't help be disappointed

I was shocked when I saw that the actress who plays Mary is 21 years old. She literally looks 12 on the show. I don't know how they are doing it

I hate the tv trope of when someone hides a critical piece of bad news from their loved ones to "protect them" or to "not hurt them" when you know the entire time that when the said loved one finds out about this from another source (and you can bet they will) it is going to be infinitely worse than it would have

> How the hell is it that he's in some ship still at sea, and the SAND
SNAKES ARE THERE!? Were they not at Dorne when the ship was leaving?

I am a bookreader too. I just enjoy the over the top meltdowns over inane details esp when they pertain to the last two books which weren't even that good.

I hope you are being sarcastic about the Kingsmoot. It is the worst plotline in the books other than the Tyrion travelogue of Essos. I don't give a fuck about the stupd ironborn and their stupid drowned god that they keep going on and on and on about. I legit groaned everytime the book cut the to Iron islands chapters

Just because you hire a great actor for a part does not mean you owe it to them to give them some great storyline. Every show has and needs smaller characters. GoT hires actors like Ciaran Hinds for small roles because they can, a luxury most shows don't have. Just like Harry Potter movies were able to get pretty much