
Lets face it, you don't wanna say it so I will. The Dorne storyline is a mess in the books too, everything involving Quinton is trash, Oakhardt is boring, Arianne is meh and her entire Feast story ends up going nowhere, based on D&D's handling of Dorne I am pretty sure that nothing is gonna come out of the Fake Aegon

Bookreader tears- bring them on. I was more excited to read and enjoy bookreader tears after the episode then I was to watch the show. This is me reading bookreaders crying here and on reddit in comments…

I was actually upset at GRRM not explaining the physics of how two people would survive a jump into snow in the books. Like what kind of answer is "it was a huge blizzard and there was lots of snow". I want to know the height of the wall they jumped, the weight of the two characters, the gravity on the planet where

> It can clearly be seen after Myrcella's death that the ship was still
in port, and I find it unlikely that such a "suspicious" death would
not have been immediately followed up by Jaime turning around and
demanding answers.

Looks like a giant snowbank to me

I also like the part where he wants the show to explicitly state that the other two sand snakes boarded a ship a couple of hours behind Jaime's ship, which any reasonable human being would assume and put two and two together, and decries it as a plot hole.

Naah still better than the garbage put on paper by Martin in the last two books and it's not even close

Bellamy is absolutely ruined as a character, looks like they are trying to walk it back now but it's too late. I mean the episode opens up with him literally shooting the messengers in cold blood. I would have preferred if they went all the way with Bellamy- this is who he is- this is what he believes in. Not this

You have obviously never seen Lost. Try to talk about the stuff you know about, okay buddy? Parts of Season 2 and the first leg of Season 3 was the creative low point of that show, Season 3 was one of the better seasons of that show and they certainly never completely betrayed a character like they have with Bellamy

I think they should have done a "The Other 48 days" style episode early in the season to show us what happened to the Farm Station, that could potentially justify their behaviour.

Atleast one girl (the one who asked for her help) was American. She was telling her what town she was from and how to contact her family.

After this episode how can anyone find Claire or Daphne tolerable let alone likeable or rootable? They witness underage rape and sex slavery on the yacht and their reaction to it is a- "shrug". Leave aside doing anything proactive, they don't even have the decency to let the police know "hey these guys are involved in

I am seriously confused about the geography on this show. It seems that all the factions are within like a 20 mile radius of one another seeing how in the last episode Quinn was able to attack the Widow and come back home in the space of apparently a day. MK was able to literally run to the widow-quinn border and

I am slightly disappointed that we didn't get to see the confrontation between John and Matt that Matt promised would happen when Mary woke up. That would have been one hell of a scene. I suppose we might see that if Season 3 happens

John is an asshole but he is a very human asshole. He doesn't do the things he does for the sake of being a dick. It is clear that from his perspective he's trying to do right by his family, just going about it in a very dickish way. Plus Kevin Carroll comes across as a likable guy which makes him hard to hate.

Wasn't he also Obama's speechwriter during the 2008 campaign

Lindelof doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would come out to take a victory lap and say to his critics "Fuck you all. How do you like dem apples" who bashed season 1 but I wouldn't blame if he did

I honestly don't see an interpretation where Kevin is dead. People can chose to believe if they want but I see no evidence of it in the text

I am trying to get my thoughts together about why I love this show so
much. As an unapologetic LOST fan whose fav hour of tv is the 'The End' I
think I finally figured out. Lindelof must have a hardwired line to my
brain that allows him to produce content that specifically appeals to

I love this show but it doesn't overtake LOST for me. In a universe where I was given a choice that only one of the Leftovers or LOST could exist, I'd pick LOST any day (haters included)