
The man blew his brains out, that as unequivocally dead as you get on tv.

I think Kevin is dead for sure but he'll be back like Patty to troll some other character. Probably Michael

>> Maybe that's supposed to show how delusional Kevin really is, but like I
said if they decide that ghost Patti is "real" then for me it would
feel pretty dismissive of actual mental health problems.

Fantastic episode. Jill is awesome this season. I wonder what Matt is hiding from Nora. Is it just me or did it bug anyone else that Jill's brother didn't eat the cheeseburger that his sister bought for him? I mean come on

I am really enjoying this show. Pleasantly surprised by the serialized nature of the story.

Is it just me or did anyone else not realize how sexy Tuppence Middleton is before this show? I have seen her in small roles in several tv shows and movies, she was always pretty and cute but dayummmm she's a sexy mama on this show. Maybe it's the blue streak in her hair

>>when her fiance’s asshole father confronts her

"Jeyne Poole mattered because no one cared about her. That was the
point. She had no name, no real value other than a pantomime Stark. And that's the tragedy. And we still got more information about her
experiences, her feelings, her emotions, that was given Sansa Stark."

They have merged Arianne and Darkstar's character into one, pretty obvious to me.

Because she is a different character in show than in the books. I don't know why it's hard to understand. Show Ellaria is not book Ellaria

wah wah wah.. it's different from the book, Wah wah wah

To be honest by the end of show I thought Riley was the heart of the series. Yes show doesn't have useful skills to contribute like Sun and some of the others but her storyline is so harrowing and pretty much forms the emotional core of the series. Without her giving weight to the series I think it would not have been

Exactly, these days it has become cool to hate on things are earnest and sentimental. I like a dark prestige drama as much as the next guy but I can't help the feeling that we are pushing out earnestness from television esp in what are supposed to be "serious dramas". "Sentimental" has become a dirty word which is a

I think the problem is that a lot of people reviewing the pilot/first 3 episodes were more interested in reviewing the Wachowskis, their career, their political leanings and their agenda than they were reviewing the show. There was a lot of vitriol in the comments of the first episode, I imagine a lot of people

Please let's not start with bean-counting how many minutes on screen each race is getting. Sense8 is doing something unheard of with diversity, lets not ruin it.

And you oh capable one, are so brilliant that you don't even know who wrote the article.

I think people should watch it. If you like Cloud Atlas you would love it, it is pretty much in the same vein as that. It's mainly a character drama not a mythology show so set your expectations accordingly. It's very similar to HBO's The Leftovers in how it focuses on the journey of the characters than the mystery,

I disagre. I think JA was awesome.

I am sorry but what you are saying is an ethically and morally indefensible position. What you are essentially saying is that it's okay that it happens to Cersei because in a way "she has it coming" after all she has done. YUCK! There are many ways to punish Cersei but to punish her in a way that completely strips her

Because there is no outrage towards events in the book that are equally as bad if not worse than the much more toned down equivalent events in show. Infact I can't count the number of times last week where people were saying that the Sansa wedding night scene would have been somehow more acceptable if it was Jeyne