
I think they are saving Reek's betrayal for something else. I don't think he will help Sansa

>"Mereen? Let's fill in the blanks and rush through this all."

Well in that case I hope you were equally as unhappy when George R.R Martin vividly describes a 13 year old girl get brutally raped by the mountain who tears the skin off of her body in the process. I hope you were equally as outraged when Jeyne Poole was repeatedly raped and tortured and forced to have sex with a

It seems like these days a week is not complete until there is something for people to get outraged over.

cj-7, it is also because fans like Drogo, that his rape of Dany was quickly forgotten and people were mourning him when he died. Very troubling indeed

I am disappointed that the "Frey Pies" plot has been abandoned. They took out one of the few satisfying moments of delicious (see what I did there) revenge in the series

Mr. Eko never thought he would get to say those words in that order

Exactly, I'd have much more sympathy for the outrage in this thread if even 25% of that had been directed at Martin for the stuff he does in the books. (And this is not limited to Jeyne Poole either. He often describes in great detail tertiary characters being raped just to drive home the point about how evil a

The point is that there was virtually no outrage at the events in the book which were much worse. On the contrary, the Winterfell chapters were considered to be the best part of was middlingly reviewed book and considered by many as the best work by Martin since A Storm of Swords. So I am confused reading these

Jeyne Poole didn't deserve a break but because it's a character you know it is a disastrous decision. Nice

I hope this same level of outrage was shown when in the books Jeyne Poole is made to have sex with a dog by Ramsay and treated 100x worse. What happens to Sansa is nothing compared to what Jeyne Poole is put through in the books but somehow I doubt that this outrage was shown in that situation

I would say this is as good if not better than whatever AMC puts out

Actually, one can argue if the Ark folks had treated Finn's actions seriously it wouldn't have come to this. I would like to have seen the scene where it was decided to let him walk, free of consequences. It makes Abby as a leader look really bad.

Yep. The episode was really well done but until the end Finn kept making me angry. By having Clarke who is the most reasonable character on the show (and perhaps the most reasonable character on all tv) try to let Finn off the hook gave the impression that the show wanted us to side with that opinion. Not only that

I have absolutely no sympathy for Finn. Not a single tear was shed. Good riddance I say!

"But it seems to me that the supposed glossing over of Finn's actions by
many of the characters, and his seeming apathy, are completely
intentional, and a reflection of how people actually do act during war
(recent CIA torture investigation comes to mind)."

I feel the same. This show has been so awesome so far but any time Finn is on the screen and writers act like Finn apologists it just ruins my enjoyment of the show. I kept getting pulled out of all the scenes with Lincoln as the show kept cutting back to Finn ughhh.

By any stretch of the imagination the grounders made a perfectly reasonable request at the end of this episode. But the way the show has been treating the Finn situation I bet they are going to make it look like "oh look what a barbaric request by the grounders" or make the grounders evil in some way so they can

"You're a series regular Finn. You can induge in mass murder and the worst you'll have to deal with is getting the cold shoulder from Clarke for a few days. The people who you killed… they are extras.. they don't matter"