
Fuck Finn!

Finn is done as far as I am concerned. It's not just his actions but the way he reacted to it… the complete nonchalantness of it is what bothered me. It's not an "okay-war-thing", there is a term for this kind of "war thing". It's called a war crime. By all measures Finn is a war criminal and I will puke if the show

Seriously, fuck Finn. This character honestly has the potential to ruin this show for me. It's such a shame when writers fall in love with their creation that they are unable to judge their actions in a bad light. Going by the reaction of all the characters to the massacre except for Clarke it is clear this is going

This was scandal at its best. Rowan was in top form with that angry monologue, Olivia's speech to Cyrus and Mellie's biting put down of Portia de Rossi. Loved it!

Man that actor who play Dandy is so good. He nails the campy tone of the show so well. And is it just me or are they hinting at an upcoming incest scene between him and Frances Conroy's character with all the references to inbreeding?

Another interesting thing- looked like the GR bought really cheap knock off real dolls instead of the real thing. The dolls we saw after the truck accident and those demoed by the guy Nora met in NY were considerably more realistic than the ones GRs trotted out.

'Sane' people are not entertaining. See this season of BigBrother for comparison. I think this cast will deliver on the lulz and the entertainment which is all i care about

A 'D' really? Sounds to me like the grade is given due to a general distaste of reality tv rather than fairly judging the show. Ofcourse the contestants are broad stereotypes that are widely different from each other. The show wouldn't be much fun to watch if it consisted of 15 Centrist americans who agreed on

BTW I love how the reviewer gave the entire season a 'B' when she has only rated 2 episodes at 'B' or lower. Going by averaging the grades of individual episodes this season should be getting around an 'A-'

Hate to toot my own horn but I believe as far back as like episode 3 I was asking for moderators to strike down on the uncalled for attacks against the reviewer but no action was taken until things got totally out of control.

"How did Wayne get that huge wound in his stomach?"

Yea I was bracing myself for her offing herself and was glad when she didn't. But man that suicide note was beautiful. It was upthere with Frobishire's suicide note to Sixsmith in Cloud Atlas as far as beautiful "suicide" notes go

Can I borrow that Crystal ball of yours? I hear they are really hard to find these days

This was amazing. Made me feel so many emotions. Seriously I would say this is the best hour of tv I have seen since like Rains of Castemere. I didn't think there was bad note in the episode. I'm so glad Nora didn't commit suicide, I was worried that that's where they were going esp considering the show's reputation

I agree.

What did everyone think of that car full of ladies stopping by asking Kevin if he was "ready"? Kevin looked awfully like a GR member sitting on the side of the road with a white wifebeater and smoking a cigarette at that moment. I think we are meant to question if those ladies thought he was fellow GR member and that

That is Tim Kring

"Like Sonia I didn't get why finding the gun made Jill break down. It did
seem like that was what spurred her to join the cult, that and breaking
up with her BFF."

What's wrong with the reviewer picking something that they see a connection with? I don't understand your anger