Marvel’s most important black superhero has evolved a lot over 50 years. The Black Panther has gone from being an…
Marvel’s most important black superhero has evolved a lot over 50 years. The Black Panther has gone from being an…
The solution to disproportionate responses by the government to persons of color is not to call for disproportionate responses by the government to white people. It’s to stop disproportionate responses against persons of color.
I agree. I honestly think the best thing we can do is ridicule the shit out of these cowards, while waiting patiently for them to get bored and leave looking like the dipshits they are.
The American political lexicon has an appropriate word for the armed men conspicuously loitering in part of Oregon’s…
Dude. ODST and Reach are the best games out of the lot. ODST was amazing. You actually had to PLAY the game instead of being this big ol tank that would just crash through levels.
ODST was pretty cool, had that jazzy night time feel and was different than the others.
Now that 7,000 American men and several drunk farm animals have officially declared their candidacies for President,…
heh, could but let’s stay respectful of the lady.
She’s hot but i was actually complimenting her work.
Excellent parody of a butthurt manbaby! Well done!
she was totally smarter and more capable than him.
It’s okay to enjoy a movie with feminist subtext. You won't get cooties for liking it. Okay?
Honestly, my favorite moment in the movie is when they notice the War Rig heading back to Citadel. When the perspective changes to Furiosa in the Cabin of the truck and it circles around to all the flares lighting up in the distance, only to then show you the War Convoys heading in towards the rig from all…
Pretty sure it was silver paint (shiny like chrome), not mercury and appears to be a last rite for the war boys.
I loved that entire aspect of their ‘religion’. The idea that if people saw their blaze of glory leading into their death, that was what mattered. With such short lives, they probably strove simply to be remembered, to be noticed. Really powerful stuff.
I think the importance of the scene is how he acts leading up to the deed and the result - just returning with ammunition like it was no big thing. Also it sort of mystifies him that much more, not knowing exactly what happened in the fog.
Well, it’s supposed to be one big long chase scene. One big, long, well executed chase scene with an emphasis on practical effects and stunts. I think the praise is valid, you just have to know what you’re getting into, and a 2 hour car chase likely isn’t for everyone.
The bullet farmers death is the greatest action scene never seen. I think it was my only flaw about the movie, that we didn’t get to see it. But then I thought about it and realized that the entire movie, even as Max being the tool to enter the world, is being seen from Furiosa’s perspective. To shit to a scene with…
What i loved about the movie, they didnt spell out everything for you. The mind is an impressive tool of the movie maker, meaning the mind of the viewer. Not showing in graphic detail the death of the Bullet Framer, or the C section made it all that more powerful. We got to see it all on our own terms, and that made…
I loved the movie. My favorite scene was the fight between Max and Furiosa after they first meet. It actually might be one of my favorite fight scenes of all time!