
Everything you said, but one of the things I appreciated most was the crude but real physics to everything. How to you stop this truck? Harpoons and fucking anchors! How do I put out this grease fire? Smother that shit with sand! How do we go faster? Spit gasoline right into that fucking engine! How did they make

One thing I loved about this is that they somehow managed to make a two-hour car chase into a movie about broken people remaking themselves through their choices. Everyone faces at least one — Furiosa and the slave wives made theirs before the beginning of the movie, Max makes his when he decides to help them even

That and another awesome thing that’s been pointed out on here - that Furiosa already had her plan in action completely independent of Max and his help. She wasn’t waiting for the “one”, the “hero”, or even an opportunity that presented itself as an unknown but tough rogue male. Heh. She was already doing her thing

I am fully convinced that this is the best movie made in the past ten years, for a whole slew of reasons. I didn’t even realize what an awesome feminist movie it was until a buddy sent me this link:

Yes. He sends countless young men to their deaths in the name of a greater ideal, and then promises them a great reward after they’re gone.

It also had an interesting anti-organized religion angle— when a person is worshipped (or seen as a conduit to the worshipped), there’s nothing preventing that person from subjecting believers to indignity and pain in the name of something invented.

For real though, the movie had a really interesting point to make about self-determination. It’s not just about the women, who were born and bred to give birth or give milk-although THAT particular theme was plainly obvious-the “war boys” were born to be slaves, too, destined to go to war and die to go to Valhalla.

That's kind of the point of taxes, though: it spreads the burden out. How many F-35's can you and your friends afford? Probably like a tire or something. But if you AND 100 million other taxpayers get together, everybody can afford quite a few. Same for community college. The ratio of potential students to the

American made 11 second madness in a silent super cruiser made under the Stars and Bars. This should have every single AmeriJalop bragging its praises to anyone who stands still long enough to hear it. BUT...Due to nonsensical political polarization a bunch of guys spit the name Tesla with venom because it don't

Set aside that this game fulfills the fantasies of every 5-year old that there has ever been and that I'm ready to buy this game based simply on this pre-alpha build, the rest of the game sight unseen. How is it that a game like this hasn't already been made? It's one of the biggest no-brainers there is!

Digging the vulture-ish depiction of a T-Rex.

It's actually quite the opposite: the Falcon started life as, essentially, a white Ford Transit with steel wheels. It was one of thousands, and thoroughly.

This video felt so personal, so unedited compared to the normal spaceflight videos. We belong up there, even if it takes centuries for humanity to understand that. We already have the next frontier, we're just afraid to fully cross it.