
Those movies are definitely easier to sit through - and work great for introducing new viewers to the show.

I haven't watched this movie in over 20 years, but I still have the goddamn goofy Nightmares song stuck in my head.

"The Late Philip J. Fry" is probably the best of the CC years.

King's Quest makes a couple of "remember that" jokes that I really liked.

It's crazy how many Star Trek references I understand, considering I've only seen one episode and a few movies out of all the various series. Thanks for the pop culture osmosis, Internet.

Last night my wife and I finished a show on our DVR and on live TV there was some cooking competition we had never heard of. This kid had won, and the host was telling him that he had been accepted by the CIA.

They never followed up on 1999-Nibbler referring to Leela as "The Other", did they?

Do whatever you need to do to play the International Zodiac Job version of FFXII at some point. I need to stress the point that IZJS is not a perfect game by any means, and even introduces some new annoyances, but the things it does well are EXCELLENT.

My dad's favorite book growing up was My Side of the Mountain - something he told us about at length, many times - and he basically wanted his adult life to be as close to that dream as possible. He moved us to the middle of the country and almost any time my brothers and I argued or fought, he would tell us how much

I recently started a 5e campaign as well, and I'm having more fun with this version than I did with 3.5 or 4. That said, I have to point out that 5e was released last summer!

At least with games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls, you know the fans will push out important bug fixes much sooner than the developers will.

About an hour or so into the game, you get an upgraded Launcher that lets you fly up extremely high into the air so you can glide around more easily. I haven't played much beyond that, but it could be an alternative to driving from place to place (except when necessary).

As a huge Suikoden fan, I find it really hard to recommend Suikoden III. I did like the story and some of the characters, but the gameplay was a chore to slog through. It does improve a little by the end, when you've been able to upgrade your characters' skills significantly, but the battle system (in which your six

Definitely the best Spontaneanation in a few weeks or more. The audience's energy helps, definitely, but as soon as Narnia was mentioned it was like a rollercoaster of hilarity. (And I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks of Narnia whenever I hear about the Caspian Sea, and I've only actually read The

The books gradually grew worse, then picked up for the 12th (which was mostly about callbacks to most of the characters from previous books), then dropped right off the cliff for the awful 13th book.

This weekend, I get to pray that one of the games on my Steam wishlist shows up as a daily deal or flash sale so that I have something new to play before Heavensward officially launches.

Was Dracula's Bedroom the one where everyone kept using the sound effects wrong? Whichever episode that was bothered me a little. "Remember that time…?" [future sound]

I've been really enjoying the show. Each episode has at least one part that makes me laugh out loud in the car - something that I rarely do when I'm alone - and even when the improvs aren't flat-out hilarious, they're weird and interesting and change fast enough that I remain interested and amused.

And that's what makes the game so great (among many other reasons) - lots of ways to play! While I don't put many points into Charisma typically, I did have fun loading that stat up for a playthrough and having Boone just completely wipe everything out before I could even see it.

If you're going for a firearms/laser build, that should work, especially because you can eventually take a perk that lowers weapon strength requirements by two points.