
* Don't put ten points into any starting stat. There are a couple of ways of getting stat increases later on, and you can't go past ten, so save those points for something else.

When Armageddon arrives, I will be judged harshly for dropping excellent games early on, yet completing FFX's endgame minigame insanity not once, but at least a few times.

This episode was the first time I had any real trouble with the Yahoo iOS app. The closed captioning was out-of-sync, showing each line about fifteen seconds too early, and I scoured the app looking for some way to turn it off with no success. I had to watch the episode with my thumb covering the bottom of the screen.

"Pharaoh" is also my least favorite original-run Futurama (the "eyePod" episode in the Comedy Central years is my least favorite of all time) and "Leela of her Own" is my second-least favorite.

I would watch through the entire series if it ended with her murdering the BLATANTLY EVIL warlock guy, absorbing his powers, and conquering the kingdom.

At least you're not the person who told her to run on a treadmill, facing the camera, in last week's episode.

My four-year-old was obsessed with the commercial, a few months ago when the CEO starred in them. He kept saying "now we don't have to worry about car insurance" which made me a tiny bit depressed. Ever since they switched over to the CGI apples, he doesn't care about those commercials anymore.

That's about it. They thought it was a useless rock (or bead? I forget) until the main characters told them how valuable it was.

In the books, it seems like the Man in the Yellow Hat knows a lot of older, rich, women and so I quickly assumed he must be some kind of high-class gigolo.

Speaking as a fat guy married to a hot wife, I really hate it when people reference that cliche as one of the "highly unrealistic" aspects of television.

Even though the rest of the game fell flat, I found myself constantly thinking that Fang from FFXIII was surprisingly attractive. Her accent helped, as well.

Now I feel like they missed an opportunity to show Minuteman Yancy Fry in the American Revolution episode with Farnsworth's (other) ancestor.

I still listen to MBMBaM, but as it's one of the very few non-topical podcasts I subscribe to, I let episodes build up until I have a commute without something else to play. It's nice to have a fallback that's consistently entertaining.

Jokes like that are what kept the movie feeling fresh as I grew older. Saw the movie in the theater when I was 6, and it wasn't until one of the times that I re-watched it (as a teen) when I finally got that one.

"Hey, it's that guy you are!"

I think the clone idea was actually mentioned on one of the commentaries. When the show came back for the Comedy Central years, I kept expecting a Sal-centric episode that never appeared. (Or, for that matter, an episode in which it turned out that Fry and/or Zapp had fathered at least one child on Amazonia.)

I quote "There, fixed forever!" so much that I sometimes forget its origin. And nobody - NOBODY - gets the joke.

The minimum donation for the CBB appearance was $5000. Still…

> Although I don't know how she manages to harmonize with herself in there.