
Even better - it was #GO EAGLES (with a space in the middle), making it a completely useless hashtag.

Part of me was hoping that Monica would be 100% into it, and in response to Richard's confusion, say "I do have a life outside of your problems, you know."

I think the pinnacle of laughter for us is when Kumail calls out Victor on not being able to believe that a dentist went to dental school and Victor defends himself. "I canna beleeb it."

"I appreciate you playing as much as you did, because that was unlistenable" - line of the year, 2014

I keep the Victor podcast episode on my iPhone at all times, because my wife and I like to revisit it every now and again.

Willy was so much better this time, since he was aware of Scott's hatred and he had this sarcastic attitude about it.

Pacific Rim is the most recent movie I was very happy to have seen in the theater. My excitement for the movie began when I saw the trailer, because every other trailer showed a post-apocalyptic world - and then there's Pacific Rim with its high energy and "We are canceling the apocalypse" speech.

I saw Borat while deployed to Qatar - they played the movie in a huge auditorium that was completely packed. The laughter was possibly the loudest thing I've ever heard, and it really made the experience special.

Just like my twitter timeline: zero complaints about the movie, infinite complaints about people complaining about the movie.

I kept waiting for a moment in which Liz makes a reference to Drake standing up for his mother and/or going to jail for it, only for the mother to have no idea what Liz was talking about…

FWIW the Blu-Ray box set still has the Fox fanfare for each movie.

My four-year-old started watching the Star Wars movies earlier this year and, being a little kid, he loves the Fox fanfare the most of all. Even if we have to stop the movie to finish it another day, he needs to see the fanfare again before we continue. (He's autistic, so he's got his things that he's really attached

Same here. Apart from the Old Republic games, I never got into any of the expanded universe. A friend of mine from high school did, however, and I can't believe how many things on this list that I'm well aware of simply from him telling me all about them.

He's the same on his Frasier podcast. He seems like a really nice guy, but conversations frequently turn to "I own this piece of Frasier memorabilia that I bought on eBay".

My issue with this arc is that it began as "There's a master thief with plant powers in a wealthy city" and somehow evolved into "Wacky Races".

Just caught up with this episode but I agree. I never really had an opinion of Pepe before, but every single thing he said in this episode was hilarious.

People are going to go crazy when we reach the year 802,701 and celebrate The Time Machine Day!

Yeah, I feel like Lisa Frank needs a credit in the opening titles.

I felt the same way. You know all those catchphrases that people on the Internet quote frequently? Those were all my least favorite jokes on the show and recycled waaay too much.

I've been listening to Spontaneanation since day one, and enjoying most episodes quite a lot, but 21 and 22 didn't do much for me. 21 was especially surprising because the improvers seemed so full of energy until the improvisation actually started, at which point the whole thing felt so low-key and not very