"Sorry Billy, you're relegated back to the kids' table. You know the whole family is better this way."
It's not Grinch-like to get mad at a trend that's completely devoid of sincerity.
Yeah this shit got old at least a year or two ago. When every sports team on the planet started having the same stupid ironic sweater it should have died. Along with any human being that owns a "polar bears fucking" or "reindeer fucking" sweater.
Oh god I'm starting to think they're just doing the 32-ouncers now. We're at the end of December and there's nothing about it in their twitter feed - they usually would have made the transition by now, I think. They don't have any mention of the six-packs on their website either.
It is sweet, but I don't know if I'd call it cloying. There's enough in the hops to cut the malty sugary sweetness enough to be quite enjoyable.
It's always Lagunitas Sucks season, so long as you're willing to pay almost as much for a 32-ounce bottle as you are for a 6-pack!
The big Lagunitas seasonals - this, Lil' Sumpin' Wild, and Sucks - are basically my favorite 6-packs. All three are great bang-for-you-buck in terms of booze to dollars for beer, but all three also happen to be great beers that I'm excited to drink six of in a week or two (or less).
Countdown until Goodell makes the Clearsound Listening System the only NFL-approved warm-up audio player.
I disagree with Diana, but come on now. Two and a Half Men has been on for 12 seasons.
Two more that sort of fit into the "explorers" category (but not really) are 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus and 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created, both by Charles C. Mann. 1491 talks primarily about many of the different tribes and civilizations that existed pre-Columbus and goes…
John was better.
I get your gimmick and am still enraged.
This list just made me realize how shitty all Christmas songs before 1970 were.
Oh yeah, and here is an amazing Emmet Otter background done by Portland artist Bill Mudron.
I feel you on Anchor. I like the Steam every once in a while in the summer, but haven't really ever had anything of theirs that's made me want to purchase it again. They're pretty firmly in that category of "I'll drink it if it's the best thing available, but there's almost always something better".
It should come as no surprise that half the list is from Johns Hopkins. The man's name is plural.
Naaah but when they're bad, they're bad. It's kind of like black licorice - there's such a distinct, strong taste there that it tends to be love-it-or-hate-it, while everyone can be "okay" with like a stout or a normal pale ale.
It took me a couple tries to start enjoying IPAs. Ten years is an eternity in IPA too - I've seen the "staple" IPA in most bars turn over at least four times in six or seven years. That's been a gradual backlash against the super-hoppy, IBU-cranked West Coast IPAs into more balanced, fruity or floral offerings.
Everybody but these child-murdering assholes.