Barnes Burner

In the Millenial generation we don't need two "N"'s to spell millenial.

Damnit! I forgot the ol' "only three black people I can name that aren't athletes" name-dropping tirade!

"The racial divide is greater than it's ever been in our country since Obama took office" - some dipshit I went to high school with on Facebook if I link this article

Fact: since 1991, Bloodsport has been required to be airing on TBS, TNT, or WGN (mostly WGN) at all times. I think CMT and whatever SpikeTV is called now are also in the mix. We're all better for it.

I finally got to try some BCBS. It's been hitting drafts around town - one spot did a flight with the 2013 and 2014 barleywines, the stout, and the coffee stout. All great, but man that coffee stout is something else.

I saw this little buddy at the Oregon Zoo and he does look like a dope BUT LOOK AT THOSE FUCKING CLAWS

Don't be stupid. This is a peaceful protest.

His beliefs are shit. They're bigotry. There is no reason to respect them or him for carrying those beliefs. "I hate gay people" and "I hate homophobes" are not equally valid positions, any more than "I hate black people" and "I hate racists" or "I hate women" and "I hate misogynists". So yes, I am discriminating

I understand language enough to know a worthless piece of shit rationalizing bigotry under a facade of false intellectualism when I see it. You're pretending to be a victim while also furthering discrimination and actual bigory. Take and go shove it back up your ass, where you'll meet your future

Don't you discriminate against my beliefs, shit.

You're shit.

Damnit. I went to Whole Foods earlier this week and saw the sad empty spot on the shelf where the BCBS was. Haven't seen them anywhere else in Portland. But I also was too lazy to go to Belmont Station on Black Friday and was kind of banking on having your luck.

Let me tell you about the Abyss....

That dude KNOWS he could've had McNuggets.

Pop is terrible and soda pop is even worse. It should only be used by soda jerks.

Christ, does he drink strawberry milk too?

Wow. The St. Louis Police Department can't be racist. Every racist on the planet knows the ol' "I'm sorry you got offended" bit.


I didn't realize Mickey Rourke played for Derby County now.

Smoke Signal day is the new "They should just change their logo to a potato".