Barnes Burner

That's not the right image for Rocky and you know it.

Oh, and of course.

Here's Tennessee's beat writer for 247's strong taek.


45. Deadspin Commenter of the Year

I hate Billy Haisley's Euro-snobbery anti-MLS bias as much as anyone, but he's right on this one.

I want to know what the hell those things are between the cavalry swords.

Heisman winner? I don't know where to put that. People spend all season talking about it and even predict the next year's because it's college football, but it doesn't mean shit when you wash out of the NFL, and it also doesn't mean shit when you do well in the NFL.

"Wow" - Delonte West

I'm opposed to GamerGate, but I get the analogy. They can't control who says "I'm a part of Gamergate" any more than any Muslim can prevent every other Muslim from committing acts of violence. The best they can do is say "I disapprove of those actions". Occupy Wall Street had the same problem: many people wanted

Oooohhhh you got me! I disagree with shitty opinions!

Because he has shitty opinions and they're broadcast nationally.

There is a difference - the white bars on the shoulders.

Got any more bright ideas, coke bottle?

I thought if anyone, Billy Haisley would be on board with the MLS trying to be the EPL.

Looks like Speakeasy does one - I haven't tried it, but might keep any eye out next time I'm at the store. I'm in the same boat - enjoy good lagers, like the Mosaic, don't really know if I'd trust the two together.


Thanks for taking one for the team, Will. I came close to biting on this one when I heard "Mosaic", but also knew better than to trust a "blonde lager" branded by Guinness.

Fully expecting a "Problems, ranked" post soon.