Barnes Burner

Portland does at least actually have good coffee and beer instead of just an undeserved reputation for it.

Lorenzo Neal was fucking great though.

I would post that video of Homer throwing away carton after carton of Neapolitan with only the chocolate eaten, but I can't. So just relive that in your mind right now.

Let them have #birdgang. They're doing you a favor.

Le off the drugs, kids.

Not pictured: beehive Chip had just stuck his paw into.


In Alaska they call this "campaigning".

Now all I can think of is Michael Richards using the fire hose on the crowds and life just got even worse.

And have the police considered dressing up like ghosts and scaring the protesters away?

Apple rankings:

Kyle Wagner either has never eaten another type of apple or thinks every apple with red is a red delicious apple.

The face of your franchise is the stupidest face in all of sports.

Yeah, deviled pickled eggs. And they're incredible.

No Caramelized or pickled (or grilled pickled)? What life are you living?

Pickled eggs are delicious, but really need to be with beets/beet juice to get the most of them. And pickled deviled eggs? Man. Wow.

Pretty simple for corn - it's just masa (cornmeal with slaked lime), water, and a little salt. You can find Maseca brand masa in most grocery stores in the "ethnic" aisle, but might find other options locally at a farmer's market or Tienda. Bob's Red Mill makes a good masa too.

So sort of a beef sandwich?

Turkey tacos. Use turkey that's 10-15% fat. Finely dice (or food processor) some onion, red bell pepper, and a gutted serrano. Homemade seasoning, homemade corn tortillas. Everyone make your own tortillas, it's stupidly easy. Top with whatever, but cotija and crema are preferred.